Saturday, November 24, 2018

December 2018 Newsletter

Merry Christmas Blanketeers!
        This wish comes early this year because our blanket-making day at OSLC comes on the first Monday of the month – which is December 3rd.  

     We will plan to work for the morning hours at OSLC to make blankets, and then at noon will have a special lunch together to celebrate the start of the Christmas Season.  
     Riverton Group will meet Friday of this week (November 30th) and then not again till the 4thFriday in January.   

     There has been much activity this past 30 days
 We have been able to distribute over 300 blankets to children in need of comfort. 

           We have shared our blankets with Tooele County “Baby Your Baby” project as they have no Project Linus Chapter in their county and we had enough to share with them.   

             We have been working with RC Willey volunteer employees who plan to have over 200 blankets ready to contribute very soon.  Patsy and I have helped them prepare fabric and have given them instruction in the pattern we use for fleece-fringed blankets.  

           We have participated in a very successful fund-raiser with Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church.  The money raised will be divided between Project Linus and Family Promise, both of which the church has chosen as outreach mission projects.

          We are ready for the Police Pay-It- Forward project for children.  This event is headed up by Sargent Brandon Shearer this year. They will pick up 50 blankets this week to prepare for their event early in December.  Kids shop with cops at Walmart and get to pick one of our blankets as well. Will post pictures next month. 

    Wishing you a blessed Christmas,

                          Millie and Patsy