Saturday, November 23, 2013

December Newsletter

November 23, 2013

Dear Blanketeers,

It's been a busy month and we are so Thankful!   Millie & I, with lots of helpers, have been on the run most of November.  It's be so wonderful to receive a larger than usual amount of donations to support all the drop offs needed for Christmas.  All of you are amazing!!

Monday, December 2nd from 10am to 2pm is our regular scheduled work day at Our Saviours Lutheran Church in Holladay to make blankets and Millie & Kristin will be bringing lunch!  We hope everyone who can attend will join us for our early holiday celebration.  We want you all to know how much we appreciate you!  We hope to see you there!

I also realized my Joann's card had expired a couple of months back.  If any of you have a non-profit card, it needs renewed ever year.  Here's the link you can follow to fill out the request.  Let me know if you have any troubles or questions.

A note from Millie about November's work day:
Just a note to let you know that we had an amazing north valley blanket day today.  15 ladies attended, 4 more came in to drop finished blankets, one person donated 12 rolls of masking tape, another spontaneously brought in home-made chili and bread for surprise lunch. I cut blankets till my punch blade is dull.  We now have received this month, including blanket day today, - 187 blankets!!

BLANKETEER SPOTLIGHT - ladies at Christ the King in South Jordan

There's a small group of ladies, usually 3 to 6, who meet at Christ The King Lutheran Church in South Jordan, 103185 S. Redwood Rd., on the 4th Friday of the month (except on holidays) from 10:00am to noon.  They contribute to our chapter as a community service project for their church. Though they are sponsored by the church, they raise their own funds or make individual donations by purchasing materials to bring to a blanket making day.  This fall they held a garage/rummage sale at the church to raise funds for their blanketing making group.  According to Aileen, who chaired the Sale, we made over $300, and donated the left-over items to MS Society.  The group also received funding for blanket materials this year from the Lutheran Thrivent financial program to purchase blanket materials!  They were so excited to receive this support from Thrivent and went shopping!  They now have lots and lots of fleece for our blankets making to start in full swing in 2014!  Thank you to our regulars who attend:  Judy, Aileen, Gloria, Lynn, Irene, and Edrie. Occasionally others attend, or make blankets at home.  Anyone from the community is welcome to attend our blanket-making days!  Please join us starting in January on the 4th Friday of the month!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends!  We hope to see you Monday, December 2nd!

Hugs to you all,

Millie & Kristin