Monday, December 30, 2013

January 2014 Newsletter

Dear Blanketeers,

Our 2013 is coming to a close and we wanted to share some fantastic statistics that you all have made possible!  This year was a great year!  Our little chapter made and distributed 1559 blankets!  This is only possible with your loving hands and kind donations.  What a great success!  Since our chapter was started we have delivered 11,737 blankets!  Such amazing and wonderful news!

Your hard work enabled us to do some wonderful things this year....
 Once again we were able to donate 110 blankets to Shop with a Cop in W. Jordan.  This program benefits children who have had contact with law enforcement.  Officers take children shopping for gifts and each child receives a blanket from our chapter.  These children may not otherwise have Christmas gifts and it's a great program that has been on-going under Darren Orr's direction for 16 years.  We were able to support Lutheran Social Services in their annual Christmas Give Away Day - in December.  Neighborhood House has been saving up our blankets donated to give each child in their program a blanket, along with a book, just before Christmas.  We have many blanketeers that are making baby blankets and were able to start delivering to Pioneer Valley Hospital nursery, a new drop off for our chapter.  All of these were in addition to our regular donation sites which include:  Guardian ad Litem in Salt Lake & W. Jordan, Crisis Care Center, Fisher House, St. Mark's NICU, Jordan Valley NICU, VA Women's Center and individual children in crisis.

Our Christmas luncheon for everyone was well attended - with at least 25 people!  Thank you all for joining us, our only regret is that we didn't take any pictures!  In addition to our lunch It was also a very good, productive blanket making day!

We have a few changes coming in 2014 and will need your creative ideas to be successful.  If you know of any local businesses, rotary clubs, etc. that we should approach, please let Millie or Kristin know.  In order to continue our mission and be a chapter for Project Linus we are required to raise $500 per year that is sent through corporate.  Of the amount we send to corporate, $400 can be used for our chapter supplies - labels, cutting blades, etc.  The 20% (or $100) goes into the general fund to run Project Linus.  The good news...we already have cash donations in the amount of $190!  We do not have to have the full amount sent in right away, but it is an annual requirement.  We don't want you to change what you do or make you feel obligated to do more, just know that it is a new requirement and we need to look to our community for those donations.  Please continue to shop for a piece of fleece or bring in an extra skein of yarn, these gift in kind donations enable us to make so many amazing and beautiful blankets.

I have attached the website link, which has more information about how donations are used:  If you wish to donate to our chapter, please contact Millie or Kristin.  All checks must be payable to Project Linus, but if you send it direct to corporate it may not be matched up to our chapter, so it's best to send any donation to one of us for correct processing.

This requirement is very realistic for our chapter, we've received cash donations on average of $500 per year from individuals and on occasion a donation from a company.  The hardest part is remembering to ask or to check with organizations that have a volunteer program.  We know they are out there, so the next time you stop in at Kohl's, Walmart of even your local bank - just ask them if they have any programs available and tell them about what you do and how it supports children in crisis in Salt Lake County.

      Ellen has been a blanketeer in our SLC Chapter since it was originally founded under Kathy Morrow’s leadership.  She is from Chicago and her husband Chuck is from Mississippi.  But they have been in Utah long enough to be considered native Utahns.  Chuck is an engineer with West Tech and his demanding job requires him to travel all over the world.  He is also a great supporter of Ellen’s work with Project Linus. 
      Ellen is always the first one to show up every blanket day - usually 15 minutes before the starting time.  Right away she puts the coffee pot on so it will be ready for everyone at 10:00.  Her smile and her ready conversation are a pleasure to all, especially to new comers who she always takes under her wing and teaches them to make a no-sew blanket.
    Every month Ellen brings at least 4 or 5 pieces of fleece for all of us to work on.  On those days when she can’t shop for fleece or can’t attend, she makes a point of donating an equal amount of cash to be forwarded to National.  Her steady participation and her generous financial support are a wonderful part of our Chapter.   Thanks to you Ellen – we appreciate and enjoy you so very much!   

Monday, January 6, 2014 - 10:00am - 2:00pm
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, 2500 East 3900 South, Holladay, UT
We look forward to seeing you there!

We are looking forward to a great 2014!  We so appreciate you and all that you do!  Thank you for your generosity and continued support.

Happy New Year's and we'll see you soon!

Hugs to you,

Millie & Kristin

Saturday, November 23, 2013

December Newsletter

November 23, 2013

Dear Blanketeers,

It's been a busy month and we are so Thankful!   Millie & I, with lots of helpers, have been on the run most of November.  It's be so wonderful to receive a larger than usual amount of donations to support all the drop offs needed for Christmas.  All of you are amazing!!

Monday, December 2nd from 10am to 2pm is our regular scheduled work day at Our Saviours Lutheran Church in Holladay to make blankets and Millie & Kristin will be bringing lunch!  We hope everyone who can attend will join us for our early holiday celebration.  We want you all to know how much we appreciate you!  We hope to see you there!

I also realized my Joann's card had expired a couple of months back.  If any of you have a non-profit card, it needs renewed ever year.  Here's the link you can follow to fill out the request.  Let me know if you have any troubles or questions.

A note from Millie about November's work day:
Just a note to let you know that we had an amazing north valley blanket day today.  15 ladies attended, 4 more came in to drop finished blankets, one person donated 12 rolls of masking tape, another spontaneously brought in home-made chili and bread for surprise lunch. I cut blankets till my punch blade is dull.  We now have received this month, including blanket day today, - 187 blankets!!

BLANKETEER SPOTLIGHT - ladies at Christ the King in South Jordan

There's a small group of ladies, usually 3 to 6, who meet at Christ The King Lutheran Church in South Jordan, 103185 S. Redwood Rd., on the 4th Friday of the month (except on holidays) from 10:00am to noon.  They contribute to our chapter as a community service project for their church. Though they are sponsored by the church, they raise their own funds or make individual donations by purchasing materials to bring to a blanket making day.  This fall they held a garage/rummage sale at the church to raise funds for their blanketing making group.  According to Aileen, who chaired the Sale, we made over $300, and donated the left-over items to MS Society.  The group also received funding for blanket materials this year from the Lutheran Thrivent financial program to purchase blanket materials!  They were so excited to receive this support from Thrivent and went shopping!  They now have lots and lots of fleece for our blankets making to start in full swing in 2014!  Thank you to our regulars who attend:  Judy, Aileen, Gloria, Lynn, Irene, and Edrie. Occasionally others attend, or make blankets at home.  Anyone from the community is welcome to attend our blanket-making days!  Please join us starting in January on the 4th Friday of the month!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends!  We hope to see you Monday, December 2nd!

Hugs to you all,

Millie & Kristin

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

November newsletter

October 29, 2013

Dear Blanketeers,

“Make a Blanket Day” for the north VALLEY WILL be next Monday November 4th... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S. 2500 E. From 10-2.   Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!   

Rowland Hall  - Day of Service Project
     Spending the afternoon with 25 high school kids is an experience none of you should miss.  The energy, good humor, and sincere effort present at the blanket-making day this month was a pleasure to experience.  Everyone in the school is involved in some way - giving service the needy, or assistance in the community on the annual “Half Day of Service.”
     This group of students chose to make blankets as their project.  Together they finished 44 blankets, (24 of which they purchased and contributed.  Many of them were returning to the project from last year, so had some experience in the process. 
      The blankets they produced were some of the nicest we have ever received from a teen group.  We appreciate their generosity, their careful work, and the assistance of their teacher sponsors.  


A thank you from Family Support Center...

     "Thank you so much for the wonderful donation.  It will help so many children both in the nursery and our community.  Here at Family Support Center Crisis Nurseries we offer free child care for children between 0 and 11 years old.  It is offered when parents need a little extra support.

     The Crisis Respite Nursery is designed to provide a safe, homelike environment where parents can bring their children during times of stress.  The primary purpose of the nursery is child abuse prevention.  Examples of possible reasons for using the nursery include: stress breaks, medical emergencies, appointments, legal obligations, job searching, interviews, family emergencies, financial stress, family violence, divorce or abuse issues.

     Again, thank you for your support and for donating blankets to the children."

       Caroline Casselman,
       Crisis Nursery Assistant Director

Just reminder about our drop off locations...
Mill Creek - The Wool Cabin, 2020 East 3300 South
West Jordan - The Quilt Shop (inside the Fabric Center) 9135 S Redwood Rd (if the Quilt Shop is closed, just leave the blankets back by her file cabinet)
Sandy - Quilts Etc, 8720 S State Street or
             The Cotton Shop 9441 South 700 East
You can also call Millie to arrange a drop off, if none of those work.  Please leave a note with your blankets!  It's so sad when we can't acknowledge our blanketeers!  It also helps us if you call or  email us, so we know to run by and pick up your beautiful blankets.  Thank you!
A special note of thanks to Allison Fisher for the many beautiful quilts she has made and donated to Project Linus.  She now finds that having a third baby will keep her from quilting for a while, so she has donated her flannel fabric supply to our chapter. It has been given out for our talented ladies to keep on sewing, including Mountain Vista United Methodist Church ladies who are gathered together by Jean Ann.  We can't wait to see the beautiful finished quilts!

Help us spread the word!!  When you are asked about Project Linus or if you know of business organizations who have grants or donations for non profits, tell them what you do and why you love it!  We have an amazing group who keeps us supplied in materials they lovingly bring each meeting, but if you know anyone looking for places to donate - tell them about us!!  We are in need of cash donations to take care of labels, blanket tags and other random supplies that keep us going. Just help us spread the word!!

Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County.  Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, deliver blankets, donate funds for shipping and stamps, or donate paper, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis. 

Hugs to you all,

Millie & Kristin

Sunday, September 29, 2013

October newsletter

September 29, 2013

Greetings Blanketeers!

Be sure and check out our blog -  On the blog you’ll find the current newsletter, updates on blanket donations, instructions for making fleece blankets (great for people who can’t attend Make a Blanket Days and want to make fleece blankets), and do’s and don’ts.  *** also check the blog for pictures, we try to include  few of the blankets that stand out or are completed by children *** We see so many beautiful blankets that we want to share!!  You ladies are a talented group!

Blanketeer spotlight

On September 8th, all the Lutheran Churches throughout the Salt Lake valley, participated in a "day of service" to assist the needy or otherwise offer help to those with special needs.  Zion's Lutheran choose to make blankets for Project Linus.  They completed 15 blankets for the project and also 10 more for military personnel.  The event was arranged by the Youth Leader, Liz Mensinger.

We are often asked what size of blankets are needed most and that answer is all sizes!!  This month we find ourselves short on small boy (1 to 1 1/4 yard) in small boy prints.  If you out shopping, please look for toddler boy prints!  We can always use all sizes of blankets, especially medium   1 1/2 yards in prints appropriate for 8 to 10 year olds.  This size is the one we go through the most and the size we donate to Shop with a Cop in South Jordan this before Christmas.

Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County.  Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis. 

Hugs to you all,
Millie & Kristin


Thursday, August 29, 2013

September Newsletter 2013

August 26, 2013

** Labor Day is moving our regular 1st Monday of the month blanket day ** "Make a Blanket Day” for the north VALLEY WILL be Monday September 9th... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S. 2500 E. From 10-2.   Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!

 Be sure and check out our blog -  On the blog you’ll find the current newsletter, updates on blanket donations, instructions for making fleece blankets (great for people who can’t attend Make a Blanket Days and want to make fleece blankets), and do’s and don’ts.  *** also check the blog for pictures, we try to include  few of the blankets that stand out or are completed by children *** We see so many beautiful blankets that we want to share!!  You ladies are a talented group!

                            Generous Yarn Donation from Dr. Maryann Restel

     We received an unexpected windfall this month --- 212 skeins of yarn!   There are 40 baby-soft – and several micro fiber among them.   Many are 20% washable and dryable wool with 80% acrylic so we can use them with everything except the tiny baby blankets. 
     Millie will bring a sample of each color on Make a Blanket Day September 9th so you may all check it out and let her know which colors and styles you wish to have for your crochet work. 
    Many thanks to Dr. Restel, who by-the-way, is an “artist with knitting needles”.   Her work is amazing and has won prizes in shows.   She recently closed her yarn shop in her home state -Montana .  She relocated here in Utah where she previously attended University of Utah Medical School.  We are the lucky recipients of her excess yarn inventory, and are happy to have her participating with, and making blankets for, Project Linus.   

Spotlight on   New “Crocheting” Participants
   Recently our Salt Lake County chapter has enjoyed the company of some new participants in our group of crocheting ladies.
      New to our group are: 
          Rochelle Pacheco, who likes to make baby size blankets.
          Winnie Hollenbeck, she also likes baby size blankets.
          Karen Park , who will crochet any size but leans toward larger ones. 
          Bea Keohane, who has recently given up making quilts and turned to fleece
               blanket crochet.
           Linda Good, who also volunteers at St. Marks NICU.  She was instrumental in
               the program at St. Marks to send new mothers home with a gift package
               including our Linus blankets.  
          Maryann Restel , who actually knits the baby blankets that look like crochet.

     Project Linus Blanketeers welcome all of you and we thank you for your time and interest in helping children.  

Blanketeer Spotlight #2 - Amber Anderson
Amber contacted our chapter looking for a service project for a class she was taking at Salt Lake Community College.  Amber has to be one of the most enthusiastic and energetic people I've ever met!  It was contagious!  Amber gathered her family and friends to complete her project in just a couple of weeks.  

Here's part of an email I received:
"It's Amber Anderson again!  I just wanted to touch base and let you know I'm having so much fun spending my time to donate proceeds to Project Linus!  I have held my "Blanket Brunch" and taking the Holiday into consideration I think I had a pretty good turnout of helping hands!"
We were so excited to receive Amber's beautiful cards we can use to send thank yous and all the blankets her friends and family helped with.
Thank you to you all!!  Amber, Rena, Marie, Allison, Pam, Lori, & Tammy

                                      Children’s Crisis Care Centers

An article in the Tribune this month entitled   “Crisis nurseries:  Plugging the gap in social safety net”, alerted us to the need for blankets of comfort for the children who are cared for at these sites.  There are three facilities; one in Midvale, one in Sugarhouse, and one in West Valley.   They are set up to receive babies and children up to age 8 on an emergency basis.  They accept and care for children whose parents are without immediate childcare and cannot be with the children for whatever reasons.   Our chapter will be donating 5 blankets a month to each.

We are often asked what size of blankets are needed most and that answer is all sizes!!  This month we find ourselves short on small boy (1 to 1 1/4 yard) in small boy prints.  If you out shopping, please look for toddler boy prints!  We can always use all sizes of blankets, especially medium   1 1/2 yards in prints appropriate for 8 to 10 year olds.  This size is the one we go through the most and the size we donate to Shop with a Cop in South Jordan this before Christmas.

Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County.  Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis. 

Hugs to you all,
Millie & Kristin


Monday, July 29, 2013

August news & note

Dear blanketeers,

Just a quick note for our August news. 

North Valley make a blanket day will be Monday, August 5th from 10am to 2pm at Our Saviours Lutheran Church 3900 South 2500 East, Holladay.  We'd love to see you there!!

A note from Millie...
     August Make a Blanket Day will be on August 5th the first Monday of the month as usual.  Since I will be out of town that day, I will not be doing any fabric cutting.  The procedure for the day will otherwise be the same as usual. 
      You will be able to turn in your new blankets and mark them on the check-in roster.  Robyn Frost, the church secretary, will keep them in her office until I return on Thursday of that week.  I will also leave with her fleece that can be fringed that day, as well as some of the small blankets on which we have been completing the fringe. 
      If you like, you can also leave your fleece that you want to have punched for crochet. Leave it in a bag with your name.   I will cut it on the weekend and get it back to you to pick up.  I know that you all know exactly what to do with or without me there.   Thanks

We received this wonderful note from one of our drop off locations.  I'm so glad we've been donating to Fisher House.  What a great way we can help children of military families!

Dear Millie,
Picture this—a small 4 y/o boy came into the big Fisher House a little bit anxious about entering a strange place. He was accompanied by his mom & grandma and stayed close by their legs. The family had come to pay their last respects to the great grandfather who served during Vietnam conflict and was in the VA hospital in critical condition. The little fellow brought along his favorite cup—a Spider Man cup! I came into the kitchen to give him a Linus blanket in honor of his great grandfather. The blanket I had picked out (without knowing about the cup) was a great pieced quilt devoted entirely to Spider Man! He grabbed the blanket and hugged it to his chest. His mom and grandma were thrilled as he would have a keepsake from his great grandfather. He left for the hospital comforted, happy and smiling.
Thank all the blanketeers for their efforts! Bless you all.
Kay Eagar
SLC Fisher House Social Worker

As we enter into the end of summer...we look forward to blankets to donate for holiday needs.  If you are shopping for fleece, we are in need of 1 1/2 yard pieces for some of our donations in October/November.

We appreciate all that you do & are able to provide comfort for children in crisis.  Thank you for supporting our chapter of Project Linus and for all the love you put into the blankets you make.

Hugs to you all!
Millie & Kristin

Monday, June 24, 2013

July 2013 newsletter

June 25, 2013                                  Blankets delivered:     10742

Dear Blanketeers,

 A Scheduling Note From Millie:
      July Make a Blanket Day will be pushed  from the 1st to the 8th of July.  This will allow everyone to get through the Independence Day (week) activities without conflicts.

     August Make a Blanket Day will be on August 5th the first Monday of the month as usual.  Since I will be out of town that day, I will not be doing any fabric cutting.  The procedure for the day will otherwise be the same as usual. 
      You will be able to turn in your new blankets and mark them on the check-in roster.  Robyn Frost, the church secretary, will keep them in her office until I return on Thursday of that week.  I will also leave with her fleece that can be fringed that day, as well as some of the small blankets on which we have been completing the fringe. 
      If you like, you can also leave your fleece that you want to have punched for crochet. Leave it in a bag with your name.   I will cut it on the weekend and get it back to you to pick up.  I know that you all know exactly what to do with or without me there.   Thanks

“Make a Blanket Day” for north VALLEY WILL be Monday july 8th... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S. 2500 E. From 10-2.   Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!! 

Blanketeer spotlight - carol holmes

 Carol has been a participant in Project Linus since our Salt Lake County chapter was first organized by Kathy Morrow.  When it became difficult to schedule a convenient place to meet and make blankets, Carol arranged with Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church to accommodate our project.  She has crocheted scores of blankets herself and has taught several women to crochet also.  She brings her granddaughter, Jessica, to blanket day when ever school doesn’t conflict.  
      Carol holds a special spot in her heart for children, and also a great respect for our military service personnel. She was instrumental in organizing TAPS (the grief counseling camp for bereaved children of military service people.)  In fact, for three years, she and her husband Larry paid the shipping costs to send our blankets to Washington DC. 
     In addition to the service she has given Project Linus, Carol has had a long career as a Registered Nurse – 50 years as a matter of fact.   She earned her degree from University of Oregon and spent many years as an operating room nurse working with out-patient surgeries.  Service has been her life and we are so happy to have her with our chapter.  A huge thanks goes out to Carol for her amazing service and devotion to Project Linus.

Neighborhood House Celebrates Its Founders 

  Neighborhood House, has been a positive force in the lives of little children for many years.  Their mission is to provide education in the regular public school setting as well as aftercare and summer programs for children of low-income families.


In many cases, parents would not be able to work if not for the help this organization offers in child-care.  Their enrollment at most times hovers around 300 kids.  In the summer there are more.  Project Linus has continued to supply them with blankets for these children.

 Last week the children attended the traditional summer celebration where each one of them was given a handmade blanket and a book.  Here are some pictures of the children with their blankets and also of the volunteers who distributed them.  The kids had a great time – free hot dogs, and snow cones, as well as interaction with police and fire fighters.
                                                                       Such great smiles on all the faces of the children of Neighborhood house!

We still have denim!!  If you are a sewing type, please let Millie or I know if you'd be interested in making some denim quilts.  We have lots of materials that need to be used up and made into blankets for donation.

Thank you for all you continue to do!!  We know summer gets busy & we appreciate you keeping up the good work all year long!  Have a safe & fun 4th of July!  We hope to see you all soon!

Hugs to you all,

Millie & Kristin
Millie #801-272-4024

Sunday, June 23, 2013

blanket day for July

Because of the 4th of July holiday - we will hold north valley blanket day on Monday, July 8th.  Hope to see you there!

newsletter...coming soon!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

June 2013 newsletter

May 25, 2013                                           Blankets delivered 10597    

Dear Blanketeers,
 Welcome to the new Blanketeers who have joined our chapter during the past month, we’re so glad to have you with us and hope you’ll love Project Linus as much as we do.   Be sure and let Millie or Kristin know if you have any questions.

“Make a Blanket Day” for north VALLEY WILL be Monday june 3rd... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S. 2500 E. From 10-2.   Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!


A group of dedicated blanketeers meets each Wednesday at Mountain Vista United Methodist Church under the leadership of Jean Ann.   The blankets they have donated to Project Linus are always creatively colorful, well made and so huggable.   Jean Ann will tell you she just organizes the work area so the ladies who attend can make the blankets but, we all know she’s the one who puts the designs together. She has a wonderful eye for color and “fun” blankets.   Her skills at organizing allow so many women to be a part of making blankets for the children.  Jean Ann is from Rapid City, South Dakota and has been making quilts a long time.  She joined Project Linus a little over 5 years ago.  She drives about 40 minutes from her home to gather about a dozen quilt making ladies every week!  Thank you Jean Ann and Mountain Vista Church ladies for all you do for our chapter!  You are all amazing!


  Catherine Freeman, a sixth grade student at Highland Park Elementary School, truly understands the importance of volunteerism.  She wanted to do something for other children and so she went on line to Hope of America and found a service project that she was interested in doing.    Hope projects typically involve 12 to 16 hours of service.  She has twin 18 year old siblings who have also done a Hope project to raise awareness for kids with allergies.  Now she has personally made six beautifully fringed blankets for Project Linus by following the directions on the website.  Here are pictures of her blankets and her sweet smiling face .

A wonderful thank you from St Mark's NICU!
     On behalf of the NICU babies we want to give you our sincere thank you for the beautiful, incredible, wonderful blankets you and your Project Linus people donate to us.  We don't get you thanked every time, but please know that you are appreciated each time we see the wonderful bundle!!
     A blanket goes home with each baby who has spent time in our NICU to be that baby's special Linus blanket!
                            Thank you so very very much!
              Nurses, staff and volunteers at St. Mark's NICU

 We are planning ahead to some blanket needs coming up this fall.  We've supported South Jordan's Shop with a Cop for several seasons.  Each year before Christmas they take deserving children, who may not always have much, shopping with a law enforcement officer.  Last year we worked fast & made 110 blankets in a few short weeks.  This year we want to start collecting & setting aside the blankets we need.  Please start to think of this project & bring a 1-1/2 yard piece of fleece in print appropriate for 7-10 year olds.  We'll need both boy and girl prints.  These children have had some contact with law enforcement, sometimes now always positive.  This program allows them to have a good experience & some fun with the police officers.   Thank you to all the loving blanketeers making this project possible! 

We have denim!!  Do you love to sew and wish you could make some jean quilts?  If yes, please contact Millie or Kristin!  We received a generous donation of materials, but need some help getting it all made into blankets & Kathy needs it moved out of her basement.  They don't have to be complicated, just made into wonderful blankets for a deserving child!

Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County.  Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis. 
Hugs to you all,

Millie & Kristin
Millie #801-272-4024


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

May newsletter

April 22, 2013                   Blankets delivered  10520     

Dear Blanketeers,

Be sure and check out our blog -  On the blog you’ll find the current newsletter, updates on blanket donations, instructions for making fleece blankets (great for people who can’t attend Make a Blanket Day and want to make fleece blankets), and do’s and don’ts.  *** also check the blog for pictures, we try to include  few of the blankets that stand out or are completed by children *** We see so many beautiful blankets that we want to share!!  You ladies are a talented group!

“Make a Blanket Day” for the north VALLEY WILL be next Monday April 29th... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S. 2500 E. From 10-2.   Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!   This work day is in lieu of May's work day!

Blanketeer Spotlight – Denna Wright 

Not surprising if you don’t know this name. Though you don’t see her at Blanket Day, Denna is a very active and important contributor to the success of our Project Linus.  She started making blankets with Kathy Marrow when the project opened in SLC. She doesn’t crochet or make blankets anymore, but she does carry our blankets all over the Wasatch front for delivery. Yes…she is the “UPS” of Project Linus.
Every month for five years, she has made the rounds of SLC in her little van to insure that our blankets arrive safely.  Delivery suits her busy life style very well. Denna is a hiker and road biker as well as a life member of Wasatch Mountain Club. She completed a busy career working for the library system and still volunteers with Salt Lake County Aging Services. She helps individuals to have a fuller and richer life by spending time with them in their home.  Denna is a friend to many and we are lucky enough to have her volunteer services in our Chapter.  A huge thanks to Denna!

Lots of changes!!!
     The past few weeks have been busy & there are some changes we need to share with you...a great announcement, Millie is the new coordinator of our chapter of Project Linus!!  We are so excited to have her taking us forward and continuing our wonderful mission to provide blankets for children.  Also, if you are interested in doing Millie, she needs your help!!  We could use some great people to help us pick up blankets, prep materials & help with the newsletter & blog.  These items can be done at your home, when you have time to volunteer!    We will also discontinue the south valley work day.  It makes me sad, but there hasn't been regular attendance, except for those great 4  - Kathy, Julie, Edrie & Lynn!  With both Kathy & Kristin leaving, there's just no one to run things.  Kristin's news is that she accepted a job offer, which will keep her very busy & unfortunately make it impossible for her to attend activities during the day.  It's a good opportunity, but that means time will have to be shifted & family & work are taking priority.  Kristin will still be involved as the assistant coordinator & working on her own contributions at home.  For our final news...Kathy has found residence in a new state & will be relocating to Colorado!  Although Kathy stepped down as coordinator a little over a year ago, she didn't go far!  Kristin continued to rely on her expertise & amazing sewing skills to keep things moving for our chapter.  Her move will take a few months, so she'll be by from time to time, but make sure to wish her the best as she starts packing!

So don't be sad, don't worry...we will keep going strong!!!  Please continue to support our chapter of Project Linus.  We have done such amazing things & make a HUGE difference in over 10,500 children's lives!

Also, we have decide to trim down our drop make sure if you have been dropping off blankets that your location is still on the list:
Mill Creek - The Wool Cabin, 2020 East 3300 South
West Jordan - The Quilt Shop (inside the Fabric Center) 9135 S Redwood Rd
Sandy - Quilts Etc, 8720 S State Street or
             The Cotton Shop 9441 South 700 East
You can also call Millie to arrange a drop off, if none of those work.
We are also asked what people can do to contribute & recently found out that gift cards are a great way to keep 100% of the proceeds in our chapter.  So...if you don't have time to shop for materials, just buy a gift card from your favorite fabric store to donate to our chapter & we'll go shopping!!  We also need masking tape, so if you have some extra laying around, or are out & about, grab a roll, we sure could use it!

Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County.  Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, deliver blankets, donate funds for shipping and stamps, or donate paper, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis. 

Hugs to you all,
Millie & Kristin

Millie ph#801-272-4024
Kristin cell 801-386-5917