Frequently Asked Questions

Are we accepting blankets?  

YES, ALWAYS!  Materials must be NEW, unused, washable and free of contaminants such as mold, mildew, pet hair and odors (such as smoke).  Fleece, flannel, cotton or cotton/poly blends in bright, kid friendly prints are best.  Please no wool, knits or upholstery fabrics.

Where do our blankets go?

We provide blankets to children in need within Salt Lake County and as needed outside of the county for natural disaster relief, etc.  Some of our recipient organizations are:  local hospitals, Hearts Knit Together, Shelter Kids, Guardian Ad Litem, Children's Justice Center, DDI Vantage, Camp Hobe, Royal Family Kids Camp, YWCA, Joyful Welcome, Refugee Services to name a few.  

If you know of an organization that serves children in need and could benefit from our blankets, please let us know.

What types of blankets do we need?

We accept the following: 

Fringed fleece blankets - use our pattern on the "No-sew Fleece Blanket Pattern" tab.  At this time we are not accepting tied (with knots) fleece blankets or double layered fleece blankets.  Please contact us prior to beginning your project for guidance and tips and tricks to make an awesome blanket.

Fleece blankets with crocheted edges - all sizes accepted.  There are many YouTube video tutorials on how to crochet around fleece fabric.  Please make sure you cut off the selvage edges of the fleece prior to crocheting.

Flannel receiving blankets with or without crocheted edges - double sided is preferred up to 48x48.

Quilts - all sizes accepted.  Use child appropriate fabrics/designs, use fabric/designs appropriate for the size of the quilt (i.e., if it is a small baby sized quilt, use baby appropriate fabric designs/colors), avoid fabric designs that may be interpreted as offensive or controversial. 

Knit/crochet blankets - up to size 48x48, use tight stitches, baby weight yarn (no scratchy, fuzzy yarns),  baby appropriate colors (no neon, glittery yarns).

My organization wants to do a service project, what do we need to do?

We are always excited for service projects to benefit Project Linus.  Please contact us prior to starting your project so that we can gather more information about what you would like to do and provide guidance.  There are many ways in which you can help, e.g., make blankets using our no sew fleece pattern (may not be a good project for young hands), conduct a fundraiser, collect and donate materials (blizzard fleece, fabric, yarn), etc.

Where can I drop off blankets?  

Click on our "Drop off locations" tab for drop off locations.  If you have a large donation or none of the locations are convenient for you, please contact us to make other arrangements.  Also, please contact us to let us know if you have or will be dropping off at a location so we can make arrangements to pick up your donation timely.

How do I get involved with Project Linus?

Please contact us and we will be happy to discuss the many opportunities for you to participate with us to serve children.  You can also click on our "Ways to Help" tab for more ways to help our organization.

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