Saturday, December 31, 2011

January make a blanket day

Just a reminder to our North Valley blanketeers, our make a blanket day will be Monday, January 9th, 2012. Have a Happy & safe New Year celebration!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December Newsletter

Dec.19, 2011

 Blankets delivered:  8376

Dear Blanketeers,

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!  We wish you the most joyous season as you celebrate with those close to you.   This newsletter will have just a few notices and then a couple of thank you notes from blanket recipients.  Please read the thank you’s, they’ll make your day.

Be sure and check out our blog -  On the blog you’ll find the current newsletter, updates on blanket donations, instructions for making fleece blankets (great for people who can’t attend Make a Blanket Days and want to make fleece blankets), and do’s and don’ts. 

 “Make a Blanket Day” for the north VALLEY WILL be Jan 2 ... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S. 2500 E. From 10-2.   Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!

The next South Valley “Make a Blanket Day” will be Jan 17… at the South Jordan Library from 10:15 – 2:00.  We’re building a nice size group, the ladies are very friendly and welcoming, AND we hope you’ll join us.

 My heart is full tonight, as I write this. I just felt I needed to take a few minutes to thank you for your service via "Project Linus".

My family has just been through a really horrible and traumatic experience, and our lives were turned upside down.

Today, my children met with a guardian ad litem at the SLC courthouse and were each greeted with a blanket with your card attached.

I had no idea the blessing this simple gift would bring my children.... as they are not small children but a pre-teen and young teenagers, but as they each wrapped themselves up in them right in the office, their minds were occupied for a few moments away from the stressful reason they were there. My youngest even commented how the penguins on her new blanket made her smile and it felt like a friend was with her during her interview.

Tonight, as I made my way to each of their beds to say goodnight, they each were wrapped up in their blankets. It made me smile to know they felt comforted by such a gift.

Words cannot express how grateful I am for the hands that put these blankets together, and those who organized this project... And the tenderness of such an act of kindness.

The one card I managed to save has "This blanket was made by Ella" so if you know her, please tell her how thankful we are for her kindness and service.

Nov. 20, 2011

Our 6 year old daughter was recently at the Jordan Valley Hospital ER due to a peanut allergy.   They gave her one of your blankets and she hasn’t let it go since!  Thank you for the time and energy spent on doing this great service.  It meant so much to her – Heather Fahrken

P.S. the tag said her blanket was from the West Jordan Senior Center.  Please thank them for us too!

 Just a note – we talk a lot about making fleece blankets but we dearly love crocheted and knitted blankets as well as quilts.  So where ever your talents lie we would love to receive your gifts of love.
Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County.  Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, donate funds for shipping and stamps, or donate paper, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis. 

Hugs to you all,

Kathy & Kristin                                    

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November newsletter

Nov. 22, 2011 Blankets delivered: 8208

Dear Blanketeers,

Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you have a wonderful day with family and friends. I am especially thankful this year for all of you and your generosity and talent. The children who receive your blankets love to hug them and are comforted by the love and security that goes with them.

Be sure and check out our blog - On the blog you’ll find the current newsletter, updates on blanket donations, instructions for making fleece blankets (great for people who can’t attend Make a Blanket Days and want to make fleece blankets), and do’s and don’ts.

“Make a Blanket Day” for the north VALLEY WILL be Dec. 5 ... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S. 2500 E. From 10-2. Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!

The next South Valley “Make a Blanket Day” will be Dec 20… at the South Jordan Library from 10:15 – 2:00. We’re building a nice size group, the ladies are very friendly and welcoming, AND we hope you’ll join us.

Thrivent Financial Service for Lutherans donated $500 to our chapter. We bought enough fabric and yarn for 63 medium or large sized blankets. Thank you, Thrivent for your much needed donation and to Bernie Sprecher for doing the leg work.

Thanks so much for everyone who made a special effort to finish and deliver blankets for Shop With a Cop. We will deliver 160 medium blankets to the South Jordan Police Dept. Nov. 28th. We are the only source for blankets for these children – YOU DID GOOD!!!!!!

Please read this thank you note I received earlier this month

Dear Kathy,

I am in receipt of the lovely blankets you made for the patients in our hospital. There was a great deal of work that went into them and they are exquisite. I realize the time, effort and expense involved in the making of these items and I send you thanks from the families that gratefully accept them.

Thanks to people like you, we can ease the pain and suffering of loss that life brings. Many of the items donated become family heirlooms that are cherished above all else.

For those who receive the blankets, I send their gratitude and tears that they were thought of that day. I want you to know that your efforts are so very appreciated.

With great sincerity

Chaplain LeNae Peavery-Onstad

Just a note – we talk a lot about making fleece blankets but we dearly love crocheted and knitted blankets as well as quilts. So where ever your talents lie we would love to receive your gifts of love.

Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County. Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, donate funds for shipping and stamps, or donate paper, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis.

Hugs to you all,

Kathy & Kristin

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blankets needed for S. Jordan Shop with a Cop

Hello,  I need your help to make sure we have enough blankets for Shop with a Cop.   We need 150 medium sized blankets to be delivered to the South Jordan police station on Nov. 28th I will need all the blankets by Nov. 21st so we can get them all labeled and packaged.
If you have medium sized blankets that will be finished by Nov. 21st please let me know.  I’ll need to know how many you have and whether they are for boys or girls.
It would also be helpful to know whether you’re bringing the finished blankets to the South Valley Make a Blanket Day ( Nov.15), dropping them off at a drop-off location (let me know which one), or , I will be at the DI on 4500 S. on the 21st to accept deliveries of blankets.  I’ll let you know the time next week.
If necessary, we can have a special Make a Blanket Day to be sure we have enough blankets – we have funds for blankets, I just need to know where we stand.
You’re efforts to make sure all the kids who attend Shop with a Cop get to pick their own special ‘hug’ are deeply appreciated.
Please let me know as soon as you can so we can make plans.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

October newsletter

Oct. 28,2011

 Blankets delivered:  8040

Dear Blanketeers,

 Welcome to the new Blanketeers who have joined our chapter during the past month, we’re so glad to have you with us and hope you’ll love Project Linus as much as we do.   Be sure and let Kristin or Kathy know if you have any questions.

 Be sure and check out our blog -  On the blog you’ll find the current newsletter, updates on blanket donations, instructions for making fleece blankets (great for people who can’t attend Make a Blanket Days and want to make fleece blankets), and do’s and don’ts. 

 “Make a Blanket Day” for the north VALLEY WILL be Nov 7 ... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S. 2500 E. From 10-2.   Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!

The next South Valley “Make a Blanket Day” will be Nov 15 at the South Jordan Library from 10:15 – 2:00.  We’re building a nice size group, the ladies are very friendly and welcoming, AND we hope you’ll join us.

On Oct. 12th Kristin and I attended the Half Day of Service at Rowland Hall.   As in the past we met 27 great, hardworking high school age kids.  They each brought yardage of fleece, learned how to square it and then how to make fleece blankets.   Many of the kids brought more than one piece of fleece so we ended up with 55 blankets!   Thanks so much Rowland Hall!

 Thrivent Financial Service for Lutherans has generously donated $500 to our chapter.  We’ll use the funds for blanket making supplies, mail and shipping supplies, and a few chapter expenses i.e.: brochures and paper.   Thank you, Thrivent for your much needed donation and to Bernie Sprecher for doing the leg work.

 HELP!!!!!! This year we will again participate in Shop with a Cop.  We will be donating 160 medium sized blankets.  We’ve been able to save up 80 blankets, so if you’re wondering what we need it would be 80 more medium blankets for boys and girls – be sure they are colorful with kid friendly prints – thanks so much!!!

Our chapter is looking for a new coordinator:   I’ve loved being the coordinator for our chapter for the past 5 years, meeting so many talented, generous blanket makers and having the honor of delivering your lovingly made blankets to the children. Each time I deliver blankets, the thanks you’s from the recipients are so heartfelt and I am humbled by the need for the love and security our blankets represent.   But, the time has come for me to step down as the chapter coordinator.   Kristin is able to stay on as chapter assistant coordinator and is able to share most of the responsibilities and she knows all the ins and outs of chapter management. 

 The coordinator should coordinate the chapter activities not necessarily DO them all.  The responsibilities include picking up blankets from the drop-off locations, packaging the blankets for delivery, and then delivering the blankets. Many of you have helped with these responsibilities and Kristin and I deeply appreciate your time. We also work on publicity, fundraising, thank you note writing and answering phone calls. Headquarters requires a quarterly and yearly report filed electronically both of which take only about 5-10 minutes.  I probably spend 1-2 hours per day working on Project Linus.

The new coordinator needs to have a place to store the blankets until they are delivered.   Kristin and I have worked lately to get to a system so that blankets come in and go out quickly so there isn’t a lot of time with lots of blankets in my house.
Project Linus headquarters is a wonderful resource for a new coordinator and coordinators have access to a Yahoo. Groups chat site for that is full of great ideas …. You’re never alone while you’re a coordinator.

I hope you will give considerable thought to being the coordinator of our chapter.  The rewards are beyond your imagining.  Please give me a call (801-302-8096) or send me an email if you’re interested.
Just a note – we talk a lot about making fleece blankets but we dearly love crocheted and knitted blankets as well as quilts.  So where ever your talents lie we would love to receive your gifts of love.

Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County.  Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, donate funds for shipping and stamps, or donate paper, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis. 

Hugs to you all,

Kathy & Kristin                                    

Sunday, September 25, 2011

September newsletter

Sept 23,2011

Blankets delivered: 7921

Dear Blanketeers,

Welcome to the new Blanketeers who have joined our chapter during the past month, we’re so glad to have you with us and hope you’ll love Project Linus as much as we do. Be sure and let Kristin or Kathy know if you have any questions.

Be sure and check out our blog - On the blog you’ll find the current newsletter, updates on blanket donations, instructions for making fleece blankets (great for people who can’t attend Make a Blanket Days and want to make fleece blankets), and do’s and don’ts.

“Make a Blanket Day” for the north VALLEY WILL be Oct .3 ... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S. 2500 E. From 10-2. Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!

The next South Valley “Make a Blanket Day” will be Oct. 18 at the South Jordan Library from 10:15 – 2:00. We’re building a nice size group, the ladies are very friendly and welcoming, AND we hope you’ll join us.

Our chapter is looking for a new coordinator: I’ve loved being the coordinator for our chapter for the past 5 years, meeting so many talented, generous blanket makers and having the honor of delivering your lovingly made blankets to the children. Each time I deliver blankets, the thanks you’s from the recipients are so heartfelt and I am humbled by the need for the love and security our blankets represent. But, the time has come for me to step down as the chapter coordinator. Kristin is able to stay on as chapter assistant coordinator and is able to share most of the responsibilities and she knows all the ins and outs of chapter management.

The coordinator should coordinate the chapter activities not necessarily DO them all. The responsibilities include picking up blankets from the drop-off locations, packaging the blankets for delivery, and then delivering the blankets. Many of you have helped with these responsibilities and Kristin and I deeply appreciate your time. We also work on publicity, fundraising, thank you note writing and answering phone calls. Headquarters requires a quarterly and yearly report filed electronically both of which take only about 5-10 minutes. I probably spend 1-2 hours per day working on Project Linus.

The new coordinator needs to have a place to store the blankets until they are delivered. Kristin and I have worked lately to get to a system so that blankets come in and go out quickly so there isn’t a lot of time with lots of blankets in my house.

Project Linus headquarters is a wonderful resource for a new coordinator and coordinators have access to a Yahoo. Groups chat site for that is full of great ideas …. You’re never alone while you’re a coordinator.

I hope you will give considerable thought to being the coordinator of our chapter. The rewards are beyond your imagining. Please give me a call (801-302-8096) or send me an email if you’re interested.

Just a note – we talk a lot about making fleece blankets but we dearly love crocheted and knitted blankets as well as quilts. So where ever your talents lie we would love to receive your gifts of love.

This year we will again participate in Shop with a Cop. We will be donating 160 medium sized blankets. We’ve been able to save up 70 blankets, so if you’re wondering what we need it would be 90 more medium blankets for boys and girls – be sure they are colorful with kid friendly prints – thanks so much!!!

Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County. Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, donate funds for shipping and stamps, or donate paper, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis.

Hugs to you all,

Kathy & Kristin

Thursday, August 25, 2011

August newsletter

Aug, 25,2011Blankets delivered:  7861

 Dear Blanketeers,

 Welcome to the new Blanketeers who have joined our chapter during the past month.  

September has always been a “rally” month for me with High School Pep rallies, Sunday school rally day, new clubs and activities rally for the coming year.   Project Linus needs to have a huge rally too!!!!   We’ve barely been able to meet our blanket obligations this past summer and in Aug we weren’t able to give blankets to The Neighborhood House or Lutheran Social Services.  We always have fewer blankets donated in the summer. I understand that and try to reserve some blankets for the summer months, but this summer has been especially slow.

I appreciate all the blankets you have made for Project Linus and the time talent and money it takes to make the wonderful, cuddly ‘hugs’.   What I would ask is that you spread the word about Project Linus to everyone you can think might be interested in making blankets.  We’ve received blankets from individuals, Eagle Scouts, High School leadership groups, Young Women’s groups, Boy Scout Troops, Quilt clubs, Knitting clubs, and businesses.  I will gladly speak to any group interested in Project Linus. 

Please remember the children who receive your blankets and the love , security and hug that is a part of each blanket.   I dread the thought that when I receive the next call from someone or an agency needing blankets, we won’t be able to fill that need.

So this is me saying – Go Team! Sew and knit Team!  Give a hug to a child Team!    Rah, Rah Rah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our chapter did send a Patriotic blanket to the 21 month old son of Navy Seal Jason Workman of Blanding, UT, who died last month in a helicopter crash in the Middle East.

We’ve started a BLOG for our local chapter.   The address is  On the blog you’ll find the current newsletter, updates on blanket donations, instructions for making fleece blankets (great for people who can’t attend Make a Blanket Days and want to make fleece blankets), and do’s and don’ts. 

I would like to encourage you to attend a Make a Blanket Day.  We have a great time exchanging ideas, sharing techniques and getting to know each other.  I always come away rejuvenated and inspired.  Come just for a little while or come for the whole 4 hours.  We can always use more hands to make blankets.

“Make a Blanket Day” for the north VALLEY WILL be Sept.12 ... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S. 2500 E. From 10-2.   Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!

The next South Valley “Make a Blanket Day” will be Sept 20 at the South Jordan Library from 10:15 – 2:00.  We’re building a nice size group, the ladies are very friendly and welcoming, AND I hope you’ll join us.

This past month we delivered blankets to; the Guardian ad Litem office downtown and West Jordan, St. Mark’s NICU, and Lutheran Social Services, Primary Children’s and Shriner’s Hospitals and The Road Home  Thank you so much for your continued support!!!!!! 

Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County.  Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, donate funds for shipping and stamps, or donate paper, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis. 

Hugs to you all,


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July newsletter

July 25, 2011
Blankets delivered: 7581
Dear Blanketeers,
Welcome to the new Blanketeers who have joined our chapter during the past month. We have exciting news –
We’ve started a BLOG for our local chapter. The address is On the blog you’ll find the current newsletter, updates on blanket donations, instructions for making fleece blankets (great for people who can’t attend Make a Blanket Days and want to make fleece blankets), and do’s and don’ts.
I would like to encourage you to attend a Make a Blanket Day. We have a great time exchanging ideas, sharing techniques and getting to know each other. I always come away rejuvenated and inspired. Come just for a little while or come for the whole 4 hours. We can always use more hands to make blankets.
“Make a Blanket Day” for the north VALLEY WILL be MONDAY AugUST 1 ... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S. 2500 E. From 10-2. Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!
The next South Valley “Make a Blanket Day” will be TUESDAY August 16 at the South Jordan Library from 10:15 – 2:00. We’re building a nice size group, the ladies are very friendly and welcoming, AND I hope you’ll join us.
This past month we delivered blankets to; the Guardian ad Litem office downtown and West Jordan, the Neighborhood House, St. Mark’s NICU, and Lutheran Social Services, Primary Children’s and Shriner’s Hospitals and The Road Home Thank you so much for your continued support!!!!!!
Last week, Kristin was able to attend a blanket making evening with a group from Daybreak's 1st Ward. Everyone who attended brought a piece of fleece or two to complete that night. They decided to make it a family event & invited the whole neighborhood! In just a couple of hours, 36 blankets were completed or donated! One of the funniest things was how the kids (& adults) played with the scraps when selvage edges were cut, etc. There were many "ninja" blanketeers that night with their colorful head bands. Very fun! The other part that was wonderful was how many large blankets were made. We've been so in need of the large size, especially for boys.
We are desperately low on blankets of all sizes!!! Each month lately we’ve just barely been able to meet the demand. A large blanket is about 60” x 72”, medium about 45” x 60” and smalls are 45” x 50”. If you can help keep us supplied in blankets it would be appreciated. I know the weather has really warmed up and I know you all have lots of outdoor activities planned but, the need for blankets continues no matter how warm the weather. Our donations usually decrease in the summer so I encourage you to keep making your blankets.
Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County. Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, donate funds for shipping and stamps, or donate paper, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis.
Hugs to you all,

Thursday, June 23, 2011

June Newsletter

June 23, 2011

Blankets delivered: 7275

Dear Blanketeers,

Welcome to the new Blanketeers who have joined our chapter during the past month. We have exciting news –

We’ve started a BLOG for our local chapter. The address is On the blog you’ll find the current newsletter, updates on blanket donations, instructions for making fleece blankets (great for people who can’t attend Make a Blanket Days and want to make fleece blankets), and do’s and don’ts.

“Make a Blanket Day” for the north VALLEY WILL be MONDAY July 11 ... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S. 2500 E. From 10-2. Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!

The next South Valley “Make a Blanket Day” will be WEDNESDAY July 20 at the South Jordan Library from 10:15 – 2:00. We’re building a nice size group, the ladies are very friendly and welcoming, AND I hope you’ll join us.

This past month we delivered blankets to; the Guardian ad Litem office downtown and West Jordan, the Neighborhood House, St. Mark’s NICU, and Lutheran Social Services, Primary Children’s and Shriner’s Hospitals and The Road Home Thank you so much for your continued support!!!!!!

We are desperately low on large blankets!!! Each month lately we’ve just barely been able to meet the demand. A large blanket is about 60” x 72”. If you can help keep us supplied in large blankets it would be appreciated. The weather has finally warmed up and it feels like summer and I know you all have lots of outdoor activities planned but, the need for blankets continues no matter how warm the weather. Our donations usually decrease in the summer so I encourage you to keep making your blankets.

Please read these thank you notes from 2 TAPS blanket recipients:

Today, I gave a blanket from the Salt Lake County Project Linus to the son of a U.S. service member who was killed while on active duty. The blanket was made by Pat and was a U.S. Navy blanket with a large Navy ship on it. I received the blanket to give to this child through Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, or TAPS. I was serving as this child's mentor over the memorial day activities here in Washington, DC. I am an active duty Army Aviation Officer with two sons, and am sure Pat's blanket will bring some comfort to the son of the deceased service member I spent the weekend with. Thank you for what you ladies do, and it is humbling that you spend so much of your free time in service to these children.

Chris and Alison

Dear Kathy and friends,
I'm a TAPS mentor at the good grief camp and my teen just gave me one of your blankets. I also got him one from you all in Utah as well. Wes found an army one for me as I am an Army veteran and I found a Marine Corps blanket for him since his dad was a marine corps pilot. Wes wants to follow his dad's footsteps and go to the Naval Academy. Thanks again for your gracious and caring gift and God bless!
Dan and Wes

Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County. Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, donate funds for shipping and stamps, or donate paper, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis.

Hugs to you all,


Thursday, June 2, 2011

large blankets needed!!

We always need all sizes, but recently we keep running out of medium & large boys blankets. If you are out shopping, keep an eye out for larger boy prints & solids. Medium size is 1 1/2 yards, large is 2 yards of material. Thanks so much!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

punching blankets to crochet edges

Here is a video made by blanketeers from another chapter of Project Linus.  The only difference when we use the skip stitch blade (can be purchased from Project Linus at is that we place the holes 5/8" from the edge & round the corners.  Square corners work ok too, but you have to add stitches to turn the corners.

I like using a size G crochet hook & a lighter weight yard like Simply Soft by Caron.  I've also heard that Vanna's yarn is a good choice too.  Many types of yarns work, some will be easier to work with.  Remember that the fleece will naturally fold in half as you stitch & that to prevent bunching in your stitches make sure to do a single crochet, chain, single crochet chain.....or place 2 single crochets in each hole.  This is necessary for the first row.  You may add a 2nd row or any type of stitches.  I like to add a 2nd row of single crochets in the back loop of the first row.  I'll try to post some edging pictures soon.  Be creative & choose bright fun colors that  compliment your piece of fleece.  Happy stitching!

Friday, May 20, 2011

May newsletter

May 20, 2011                               Blankets delivered:   7075

Dear Blanketeers,

 Welcome to the new Blanketeers who have joined our chapter during the past month.  We have exciting news –

We’ve started a BLOG for our local chapter.   The address is  On the blog you’ll find the current newsletter, updates on blanket donations, instructions for making fleece blankets (great for people who can’t attend Make a Blanket Days and want to make fleece blankets), and do’s and don’ts. 

 “Make a Blanket Day” for the north VALLEY WILL be june 6th ... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S. 2500 E. From 10-2.   Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!
The next South Valley “Make a Blanket Day” will be june 22nd at the South Jordan Library from 10:15 – 2:00.  We’re building a nice size group, the ladies are very friendly and welcoming, AND I hope you’ll join us.

This past month we delivered blankets to; the Guardian ad Litem office downtown and West Jordan, the Neighborhood House, St. Mark’s NICU, and Lutheran Social Services AND 136 blankets for the children attending Camp Good Grief on Memorial Day Weekend.   Thank you so much for your continued support!!!!!!  

This past month has been a little quieter than most, but that’s ok.  We’ve been receiving many colorful, cuddly blankets, labeling, packaging and delivering those blankets.  I have received several phone calls from organizations hoping the help make blankets and I look forward to working with those groups. 

Some of you are asking what size blankets we need and I wish I had a great answer.   It seems that if I tell you we need large blankets, we’ll receive lots of large and then we’ll run out of small or medium.  I guess the best answer is, make a variety of sizes and boy and girl blankets.  When you shop, be sure to check the pattern on the fabric and make sure it matches the size of the blanket….. a baby print on a large blanket isn’t as useful as a teen print on a large blanket. 

Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County.  Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, donate funds for shipping and stamps, or donate paper, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis. 

Hugs to you all,


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

TAPS donation

Hi, I wanted you to know, Kristin and I sent off the TAPS blankets yesterday. You generously made 136 beautiful blankets for these very special children. This year Camp Good Grief requested 900 blankets and thanks to your generosity they'll have that many blankets on hand.

We shipped the blankets through UPS and Cody at the Herriman store was very helpful reconfiguring a box or two to help us get the cheapest rate. He even gave us a 15% discount.

The total shipping cost was $242. 38. THANKS to Peg, Millie, Pat, Betty, Myrna and Dr. David Coates for donating enough money to cover the shipping, plus a little more!!!!!!!

The children who receive your blankets will love them.

With a huge hug,


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Coloring book quilts with Highland Park Elementary

In April, Kathy & Kristin went to Highland Park Elementary and spent time in 4 classes.  The students colored blocks that will be used to make coloring book quilts.  We will take the quilts back to the school for the kids to see a finished project next month before donating them to a child.  It's a fun way to include children in making blankets.  Pictures are traced on muslin fabric & ironed on a piece of freezer paper.  The children use fabric markers to color & the blocks are heat set before being sewn into a quilt.  It was a fun day & we appreciate Mr. Lingen organizing everyone & his class, Mrs. Lemon, Mrs. Leaver & Mrs. Meacham for participating.  The quilts are going to be great!