Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blankets needed for S. Jordan Shop with a Cop

Hello,  I need your help to make sure we have enough blankets for Shop with a Cop.   We need 150 medium sized blankets to be delivered to the South Jordan police station on Nov. 28th I will need all the blankets by Nov. 21st so we can get them all labeled and packaged.
If you have medium sized blankets that will be finished by Nov. 21st please let me know.  I’ll need to know how many you have and whether they are for boys or girls.
It would also be helpful to know whether you’re bringing the finished blankets to the South Valley Make a Blanket Day ( Nov.15), dropping them off at a drop-off location (let me know which one), or , I will be at the DI on 4500 S. on the 21st to accept deliveries of blankets.  I’ll let you know the time next week.
If necessary, we can have a special Make a Blanket Day to be sure we have enough blankets – we have funds for blankets, I just need to know where we stand.
You’re efforts to make sure all the kids who attend Shop with a Cop get to pick their own special ‘hug’ are deeply appreciated.
Please let me know as soon as you can so we can make plans.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy - I have one medium sized blanket for you. Will deliver it to the quilt shop on State street later this week.
