Thursday, April 23, 2015

May 2015 Newsletter

Dear Blanketeers,

We had a great 1st quarter of 2015!  In the first three months of 2015 we received 505 blankets in and distributed 502!  This brings our grand total of blankets distributed to 14,274!!  So many children that have been comforted by a blanket hug!  Thank you for all the amazing work you do!  We love all of our blanketeers!

North Valley blanket day will be held on Monday, May 4th from 10:00am to 2:00pm at Our Saviours Lutheran Church, 2500 East 3900 South in Holladay.  We hope to see you all!

                                                     Angels In Action

Oh – wait a minute -- I guess the official name is “Associates in Action”. 

Pictured below are four associates from Kohl’s at the Brickyard store.  Yes, they are making Linus Blankets along with our regular blanketeers.    They are:  Belinda Latham, (volunteer coordinator for Brickyard store), Carol Dedow, Liz Dedow, and Judy Kocherhans.   All of them are careful blanket makers, and Belinda (who is a whirlwind of energy) even made short work of folding and stacking tables and chairs. 
 Left to right: Liz, Carol, Belinda, Judy

The Kohl’s associates chose our SLC chapter on which to focus their volunteerism.  That means that they come in to physically help, providing five associates, who join us to work a minimum of three hours on the project – total of 15 hours.  

When this is done, the corporate Kohl’s sends a grant of $500.00, which we receive thru our national Linus account.   As you probably know, our national Linus organization requires us to raise at least $500.00 each year in order to maintain our status as an official Linus chapter. 

The grant money can be used for any of our expenses – fabric – yarn – blanket labels and printing tags – tape – mailing – brochure printing - cutting blades – or any other expenses we incur.

A huge hug and many thanks to all these enthusiastic and fun associates for their willingness to be involved in helping children in need of comfort. 

A sweet thank you...

Dear Project Linus of Salt Lake County,

I just wanted to thank you for the blankets we received from the NICU.  A little over two years ago, our twin boys were born at 29 weeks, and subsequently spent two months in the NICU.  When we were able to bring them home, we were given blankets from Project Linus:  two blue fleece blankets with tassels around the edges.  As many prospective parents do, we received several blankets for our boys.  However, for one of our boys, Project Linus could not be more aptly named.  He LOVES his blanket!  He takes it with him all over the house.  If we go on a walk in the stroller or over to a relative's house, he always has to have his blanket with him.  Of all the blankets we have, these Project Linus blankets are the only blankets he will use.  This has been true since he was old enough to show any preference for such things.  The tassels are a welcome addition because he likes to suck on them.  My mom and I have attempted to make larger blankets with tassels so that he has something to grow into.  However, he has refused all of them; he only wants his Project Linus blankets.  So, thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing such a loved object to one of my sons.  What you are doing has made a difference in our house, and especially in the life of one little boy.

Michelle Anderson

Thank you for all you do!  Together we can do great things!

With a blanket hug,

Millie & Kristin