July 25, 2011
Blankets delivered: 7581
Dear Blanketeers,
Welcome to the new Blanketeers who have joined our chapter during the past month. We have exciting news –
We’ve started a BLOG for our local chapter. The address is slcprojectlinus.blogspot.com. On the blog you’ll find the current newsletter, updates on blanket donations, instructions for making fleece blankets (great for people who can’t attend Make a Blanket Days and want to make fleece blankets), and do’s and don’ts.
I would like to encourage you to attend a Make a Blanket Day. We have a great time exchanging ideas, sharing techniques and getting to know each other. I always come away rejuvenated and inspired. Come just for a little while or come for the whole 4 hours. We can always use more hands to make blankets.
“Make a Blanket Day” for the north VALLEY WILL be MONDAY AugUST 1 ... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S. 2500 E. From 10-2. Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!
The next South Valley “Make a Blanket Day” will be TUESDAY August 16 at the South Jordan Library from 10:15 – 2:00. We’re building a nice size group, the ladies are very friendly and welcoming, AND I hope you’ll join us.
This past month we delivered blankets to; the Guardian ad Litem office downtown and West Jordan, the Neighborhood House, St. Mark’s NICU, and Lutheran Social Services, Primary Children’s and Shriner’s Hospitals and The Road Home Thank you so much for your continued support!!!!!!
Last week, Kristin was able to attend a blanket making evening with a group from Daybreak's 1st Ward. Everyone who attended brought a piece of fleece or two to complete that night. They decided to make it a family event & invited the whole neighborhood! In just a couple of hours, 36 blankets were completed or donated! One of the funniest things was how the kids (& adults) played with the scraps when selvage edges were cut, etc. There were many "ninja" blanketeers that night with their colorful head bands. Very fun! The other part that was wonderful was how many large blankets were made. We've been so in need of the large size, especially for boys.
We are desperately low on blankets of all sizes!!! Each month lately we’ve just barely been able to meet the demand. A large blanket is about 60” x 72”, medium about 45” x 60” and smalls are 45” x 50”. If you can help keep us supplied in blankets it would be appreciated. I know the weather has really warmed up and I know you all have lots of outdoor activities planned but, the need for blankets continues no matter how warm the weather. Our donations usually decrease in the summer so I encourage you to keep making your blankets.
Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County. Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, donate funds for shipping and stamps, or donate paper, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis.
Hugs to you all,