As we come to the end of February, I have my fingers crossed that the groundhog is right & we are almost done with winter! I am so done with winter & ready for some warmer temperatures & sunshine. Although, I do love the winter season to be snuggled up in a Project Linus blanket crocheting away. I hope all of you are doing well & able to get out & spend some time with us at upcoming blanket days. As always, thank you to each of you who make this project possible. There is now way we could accomplish what we do without each & every one of you!
a Blanket Day” for the north VALLEY WILL be Monday march 4th ... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S.
2500 E. From
10-2. Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!
south valley blanket day is cancelled for march...we hope to see you on April 16th!
Women Warriors
Our Chapter has
found a new way to show our appreciation to those who give military service to
our country. We now try to contribute 10
baby blankets a month to the Veteran’s
Hospital Women’s Center, specifically for the new babies of military
women. These women come from many
surrounding states for their prenatal care and they – the nurses and each other
– give a group baby shower for them every quarter. We are pleased that our blankets will be part
of this wonderful way to give back to our Military!
blanketeers 2008 |
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blanketeers 2013 |

our founder Kathy, thanks for all you still do!!
These "first" ladies shared ideas about where to deliver blankets, how to make them, and they even taught each other to crochet. Their first delivery was made in January 2007. Since then, over 10,000 blankets have been delivered to the children of our community. As they have done for the past 6 years, this north valley core group continues to meet the first Monday of every month at Our Saviours Lutheran Church. Over the years they have invited dozens of women to join them.
It is remarkable to remember the early
beginnings of the chapter and realize how many children have received a Project
Linus blanket. Thanks to all of those
original founders and all of the friends that they have included to build the
chapter!From our beginnings to now, we have grown in fellowship & fulfilled the mission of Project Linus with our kindness. I'm so glad to be part of such an amazing group!
We receive inquiries on how people can help our project, but they don't have time or opportunity to make blankets. I recently found out that donating gift cards is a HUGE help to chapters! The gift cards can be used 100% to purchase supplies for our chapter. So, if you ever hear about someone wanting to help, but not knowing how a gift card from Walmart, Joann's, Hancocks Fabrics, Fabric Center, The Cotton Shop, Floyd & Lizzies, Quilts, Etc, Hobby Lobby or the Wool Cabin would all be fantastic! Thank you for your continuing generosity...encourage others to join in!!
Have a fantastic March!! may we see signs of spring & sunshine!
Hugs to you all!
Kristin & Millie
Kristin cell 801-386-5917