Dear blanketeers,
Just a quick note for our August news.
North Valley make a blanket day will be Monday, August 5th from 10am to 2pm at Our Saviours Lutheran Church 3900 South 2500 East, Holladay. We'd love to see you there!!
A note from Millie...
August Make a Blanket Day will be on August 5th the first Monday of the month as usual. Since I will be out of town that day, I will not be doing any fabric cutting. The procedure for the day will otherwise be the same as usual.
You will be able to turn in your new blankets and mark them on the check-in roster. Robyn Frost, the church secretary, will keep them in her office until I return on Thursday of that week. I will also leave with her fleece that can be fringed that day, as well as some of the small blankets on which we have been completing the fringe.
If you like, you can also leave your fleece that you want to have punched for crochet. Leave it in a bag with your name. I will cut it on the weekend and get it back to you to pick up. I know that you all know exactly what to do with or without me there. Thanks
We received this wonderful note from one of our drop off locations. I'm so glad we've been donating to Fisher House. What a great way we can help children of military families!
Dear Millie,
Picture this—a small 4 y/o boy came into the big Fisher House a little bit anxious about entering a strange place. He was accompanied by his mom & grandma and stayed close by their legs. The family had come to pay their last respects to the great grandfather who served during Vietnam conflict and was in the VA hospital in critical condition. The little fellow brought along his favorite cup—a Spider Man cup! I came into the kitchen to give him a Linus blanket in honor of his great grandfather. The blanket I had picked out (without knowing about the cup) was a great pieced quilt devoted entirely to Spider Man! He grabbed the blanket and hugged it to his chest. His mom and grandma were thrilled as he would have a keepsake from his great grandfather. He left for the hospital comforted, happy and smiling.
Thank all the blanketeers for their efforts! Bless you all.
Kay Eagar
SLC Fisher House Social Worker
As we enter into the end of summer...we look forward to blankets to donate for holiday needs. If you are shopping for fleece, we are in need of 1 1/2 yard pieces for some of our donations in October/November.
We appreciate all that you do & are able to provide comfort for children in crisis. Thank you for supporting our chapter of Project Linus and for all the love you put into the blankets you make.
Hugs to you all!
Millie & Kristin