Dear Blanketeers,
Our next make a blanket day will be at north valley on Monday, February 3rd from 10:00am to 2:00pm at Our Saviours Lutheran Church, 2500 E 3900 South, Holladay. Bring your lunch and come spend some time with us! We hope to see you there!
Our numbers are calculated for 2013 and we are so happy to share that we distributed/delivered 1682 blankets!! What a great year! We continue to be the only supplier of blankets to Guardian ad Litem, donating over 500 blankets this past year. What a great comfort to children in Salt Lake County. We are currently delivering to 13 locations in the valley. To understand what a huge comfort a blanket can provide, here is an email we received:
I wanted to thank you for the 2 blankets my daughters received at the Guardian ad Litem's office at the Mattheson Courthouse on October 29th 2013. My 16 year old and my 9 year old had to speak to the guardian that day because of their father/my husband's domestic violence and child abuse charges. They were both afraid but my 9 year old was so scared that I was afraid she wouldn't be able to talk to the guardian. Before it was her turn the secretary in the office told her about the Linus Blankets and let her pick one. She found one with Pandas on it and was so happy. Pandas are her favorite animal and she has wanted to work on a Panda reserve in China as a doctor. I wrapped her in that blanket and when the Guardian came to get her she stood up, smiling and went right away. It was a miracle and it was because of you and your kindness and thoughtfulness. In this horrible time of the lives of my 3 daughters (I have a 19 year old also) it is so sweet to find selfless strangers who show love to people they will never meet and maybe never be thanked by. I'm sorry that this letter took so long. I am in the middle of divorcing that man and going to his criminal trials and trying to help my 3 girls heal and live normal lives. Please know how very grateful we are for you and your kindness. The blankets my daughters chose were made by Millie and Pat and they are beautiful and so very special to my girls now. But I thank everyone who has helped with Project Linus. sincerely, Cheryl
Spotlight on Bernie Sprecher
Bernie - a long time supporter of our SLC Project Linus. She does it all – participates faithfully in monthly blanket-day; during the month crochets fleece blankets to donate; and does fund raising. She is a master at finding fleece sales! She often purchases fleece pieces and gives them for others to crochet – a lovely gift for people who love to do the handwork, but not the shopping. Her fundraising efforts - through “Thrivent” have certainly been a huge help to the survival of our chapter.
Bernie and her “car buff” husband Denny are originally from Cedar Rapids Iowa. They have lived in several states and in SLC for 22 years. They raised their two children in Wyoming where Denny was in heavy equipment sales. Sewing was always Bernie’s hobby, but she learned to crochet just 3 years ago. Her wry sense of humor as well as her kind and caring nature, are a pleasure to all of us who work with her at blanket day.
We appreciate and enjoy you so very much Bernie. Thanks for your dedication to Project Linus.
p.s. Bernie doesn't like her picture taken, but I caught her working away :)
An Eagle Scout’s Project
Enthusiastic 8th grade scout, Parker Simpson of West Jordan has completed a volunteer project for Project Linus. Parker’s group of scouts, have made 20 medium sized blankets – using the no-sew technique. Parker and his mother met with Millie early in the planning and learned how to make a quality blanket. Millie worked with them last week – brought scissors, tape, and instructions to help Parker as he taught the other boys to carefully complete the work. It is great to see kids of this age doing such great volunteer work! Parker even recruited a few girls for his project and they were a huge help. Nice job Parker (and his mom)!
Thank you for all you do! Keep up the amazing work! We'll touch even more children in Salt Lake that need our blankets to keep them warm, make them feel safe, and provide a blanket hug when they need that extra love.
Millie & Kristin