Thursday, July 21, 2016

August 2016 Newsletter

Hi Blanketeers, 

        A reminder that our usual calendar has been changed!  In August we will meet for blanket making twice – 4 weeks apart.  Blanket days will be on August 1st and August 29th.    Thus - no blanket day in September – all due to the way Labor Day is so late in the month this year. 

We Love All Types of Blankets

I have been thinking about how many different ways there are to make a lovely blanket for a child.  Since there is no “one right way” just let your imagination range and don’t limit your creativity.

The only requirement for a Linus blankets is that it should be serviceable, child friendly, new, hand made, and quality made.  Make your blanket as though it were a gift for a loved child that you would want him/her to treasure and keep. 

Our basic “Fleece Fringe Loop” blanket is an important mainstay to our distribution. 

Some variations on that basic pattern include – “Western Fringe“  “Arrow Feathers” “Bunny Ears” “Jungle Grass”  “Pinking Edge” and others.

We love to receive blankets that are “All Crochet or Knit” - soft yarn – no wool.
Also the “Crocheted Edge Fleece” makes a great blanket and can be edged with either a feminine or masculine look.  The stitches are as many as there are people stitching them.   Here are some examples:

“Flannel Receiving Blankets” are wonderful - machine sewn or edged with crochet.

Of course – All Types of Quilts are also kids’ favorites!  Note: If you create one with raw flannel edges – be sure to wash it so most of the loose thread that will fray, has a chance to remove itself in the washer and dryer. 

Hope you are having fun designing and creating blankets in your own special way - for the children that Project Linus serves.  

Wishing you a happy – however warm – summer.    Hugs to all of you and thanks for all you do. 