Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Newsletter January 2017         

How amazing and wonderful it is to be making blankets for Project Linus, especially at Christmas time.  It feels so great to be a part of the happiness of little children in our county.  We are all about giving blanket hugs to kids.

Note of Thanks
"Hi Millie,
 My little special needs student loved his blanket.  
He read every word on the Project Linus card. He said that he was going to take it everywhere with him. 
     Thank You!  Lisa, SN Teacher"

Kids making blankets for kids

Shopping with Cops

A great big thank you to all of you blanketeers for a wonderful year of volunteering and giving.  A grand total of 2540 blankets distributed in 2016!!

Blanketeers Christmas luncheon in December

First Row L to R:  Jackie, MaryLynn, Linda, Patrina, Nan, Linda, Irene, Linda, Millie
Second Row L to R:  Doris, Dayle, Shirley, Bernie, Patsy, Ellen

Come on over to blanket day - the 9th of January at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church  - 2500 East 3900 South - 10:00 to 2:00.        

    Happy New Year,  Millie