Summer Make A Blanket Days Schedule
Our plan has always been to try to schedule our blanket days
consistently on the same days of the months.
But, it isn’t always possible. Sometimes conflicts arise and there are other
needs for the space in which we are the guests.
Sometimes national holidays fall on our dates. Here is the schedule for Summer.
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church: First Monday of month
10:00 am to 2:00pm
June 5th
blankets at the church or call Millie to pick up)
August – 7th
Riverton Senior Center:
Forth Friday of month – 9:30 am to noon
June 23rd
July 28th
August 25th
Guardian ad Litem
Our chapter has traditionally provided blankets to the
children who are assisted thru the state Guardian ad Litem program. In this way, we reach many children in crisis
who are starting their journey thru the system of help that is set up for their
care. An attorney is assigned to follow
and control their cases and their futures.
With the help of Lori Brown, our PL liaison with this
program, each child who enters the system also gets a blanket hug as they leave
the court. Lori personally picks up the
blankets each month and makes sure they are available at the request of the
attorneys. Here is a note sent to us
from the managing attorney at Guardian ad Litem.
“...... I
just want to thank you so much for organizing and facilitating the distribution
of Linus blankets to our office. My
clients love them and are so excited to take them home. The parents also think they are wonderful. Many times the children don’t remember our
attorneys or coming to our office, but they do remember the blankets. It is an incredible service.”
Kristin Fidel - Attorney
Guardian ad Litem
Our PL Chapter has an ongoing connection with children of military families. Military deployment and reintegration are traumatic for families and especially for little ones. This note was received last week from a soldier’s wife.
“I just wanted to write and say thank you. My sons received Linus Blankets at a YELLOW RIBBON event yesterday and they love them. It made them feel so special and loved on a day that was a little scary for them.”
Natalie Nelson Tower
Happy stitching and have a great summer.
I will be looking
forward to seeing you at our blanket-day events. Be sure to call me anytime if you need me to
pick up blankets that you are ready to contribute.
801-656-9229 Millie