Tuesday, August 29, 2017

September 2017 Newsletter

September 2017 Newsletter

Hello Blanketeers,

Remember – the first Monday this month is Labor Day, so Linus Blanket Day at Our Saviour’s Church will be the next Monday the 11th of September.

                        Service Project – Herriman South Stake

In this picture I am working with the women of Herriman South LDS Stake to cut and prepare fleece fabric, and to teach our fringe-loop pattern.  This service event is directed by Lisa LaStarge and includes women from several wards.  Their plan is to make 75 to 100 blankets for us to distribute to children in need of a hug.  Thanks to all the participants for giving their monetary contribution as well as their time and effort to this project. 

Smith’s Inspiring Donations

Smiths will apply .5% of all your purchases to SLC Project Linus – you just have to choose us  - it costs you nothing.

Just attach your rewards card number or alternate ID to Project Linus – Salt Lake County.

Here’s how you do it:

Go to SmithsFoodandDrug.com/inspire
Sign in or click “Create an Account”.  Fill in the information.
      Link your Rewards Card to our organization by entering our Project Linus number – VJ225

Blanketeer Beckie Bailey

Thanks to Beckie who makes blankets and is also a whiz-kid on her computer.  You will notice the changes on the newsletter where our blanket making patterns and instructions have been updated complete with pictures as tutorial.   Many people call or email me to ask about how to make blankets.  Now all I have to do is ask them to go to our blogspot and they will have all the information and directions. 

Thanks to all of you as well who continue to sew, crochet, quilt, fringe, deliver, donate and all the other things you all do to make our chapter productive and successful.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Directions to Make a No-Sew Fleece Blanket


Supplies: Sharp scissors, masking tape, a 3 inch square template and a 1 & 1/4 inch template (can make these from construction paper.)

Buy 2 yards of fleece for a large blanket or 1 & 1/2 yards for medium.  

Please use blizzard no-pill fleece.  Do not use the fleece from pre-packaged 2-sided blanket making "kits".

1. Place fleece on the work table right side up and cut off selvage edges on both sides.  Make sure the piece has square straight edges. 

2. Cut a 3” square from each corner (use the template you made) and place a piece of masking tape from cut corner to cut corner.

 3. Cut each fringe to the edge of the tape – (use the 1 & 1/4 inch template you made).  Then remove tape and repeat on all 4 sides. Work from one edge to middle and then reverse edge to middle in case you need to fudge on the size.

4. Fold the fringe up and back - use the tips of scissors to make the tiny holes at the top/center of each fringe - (not larger than 1/8").  Remove tape.

5.  Loop the fringe down thru the tiny hole, by pushing it thru with a dowel or crochet hook.  Pull all the fringes the same way around the entire blanket.

That’s it – here is a picture of your finished edge on right side of blanket.


When you have finished your blanket, please call or text Karen Heaton at 801-573-5271 to make arrangements for drop off/pick up.