Saturday, November 25, 2017

Newsletter- December 2017

Hello Blanketeers,

December 4th is blanket day at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church – 10:00 to 2:00.  Plan to join us for some work, and a noon luncheon to celebrate the beginning of the Christmas Holiday Season.  

        Police Officers – Pay It Forward
 Dustin Parks, Community Programs Manager at the SLC police department, will be handling a program this year for troubled children to bond with police officers.  If you want to observe this event the children will be Christmas shopping with officers on the morning of December 16th at the Walmart on Parleys Way – arriving there about 7:00 am.  Everyone is pleased that our P L Chapter will be donating scores of blankets for this event.

Santa’s (Project Linus) Helpers
   These are our "Santa Bags" all ready to go out to 300 children before December 24th.  We have to start early in order to get them to children in need of a blanket hug by Christmas.
       They are headed for:  Refugee children, St Mark’s NICU, Pioneer Valley Newborn, Guardian ad Litem, Army National Guard, DDI Vantage program, Welcome Baby, Shriver Center, Police and kids shopping, and Life Start Village (women’s and children’s refuge.)  


An Inspiring Donation! 

This is Pat Ames who is an Etsy internet entrepreneur.  She has donated 47 quilt-making kits to our Chapter quilt makers.  Pat found that sewing quilts is very time consuming and it turned out not to be the enterprise that fit her personality.  She found that quick turn-around-projects like collars and bows ties for pets worked better for her. 
   Each quilt kit contains matched quilt bottom, top, edging, binding, and even matching thread.  Our participating quilters will buy the batting to complete the quilts, and the quilts will soon be in the hands of kids who need a blanket hug.   Huge thank you to Pat for joining our service to children in need.

Our Chapter is 100% privately funded and operated by volunteers who buy fabric, prepare fabric, sew, crochet, knit, label, package and distribute blanket hugs to children age 0 to 18 years old. 

Thanks to all our volunteers for a wonderful successful year of giving to children in need.