Newsletter July 2018

Riverton group will still be meeting at the Riverton Senior Center on July 27thto make blankets – 9:30 to noon.
Don’t worry – we will still distribute blankets where they are needed this month as usual; but we will take the blanket-making day off (which was scheduled for July 2nd.)
For those blanketeers who are used to picking up the punched fleece – ready to crochet- at blanket day: There will be a tub located in the round room at OSLC. You can pick out what you would like to work on and you can leave your finished blankets there throughout the month.
Thanks to Elaine Erekson for her huge donation of finished blankets, and the beautiful bags full of soft new yarn skeins. Contact me if you need yarn.
OSLC - 2500 E. 3900 S. will be doing their annual fund-raiser festival on September 8th– Saturday from 9:00am to 5:00pm. All the money raised will be shared with mission projects, (of which Project Linus is one!) Mark your calendar and come by to visit vendors, let the children play, shop for crafts, check out the rummage sale, and have some food.
Thanks for all your work and devotion to Project Linus. Your kindness and excellent hand work are appreciated by children all over the Salt Lake Valley. I know it is a great satisfaction to all of you to be a part of the PL vision and carry on this great work.