Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Newsletter April, 2019

                Hello Blanketers -   We Made It to Spring Once Again!                      
    We will be having blanket making day at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church on April 1stfrom 10:00 to 2:00.   Looks like we will also be having guests that day.  They would like to be taught how to make blankets in our fringe loop pattern. 
         They are organizing a blanket-making event scheduled for this summer.  I will be asking you experienced blanketeers to be teachers that day.  It should be fun to teach people how to do it well.

    Royal Family Kids Camp 
          As for our project for June for the Royal Family Kids Camp event, we have already reached our 50-quilt goal (25 girls 25 boys).  They are all twin size, (larger than we normally make.) 
        The event isn’t until June but everyone responded so quickly that we are ready early.  The children in this June 2019 counseling camp have been removed from trauma or neglect and reside now in capable foster care.  The quilts will be used at camp and then the children will take them home to keep.   

Who Receives Our Blankets?
           The blankets our volunteers make go all over Salt Lake County (where they are needed and when they are needed) by newborn babies and children up to age 18.  Over the years of our chapter they have been distributed through many agencies.  The list is extensive, but to name a few:
            NICU’s –
            St. Mark’s, LDS, Alta View, Pioneer Valley, and Primary Children’s. 
            Guardian ad Litem – SL County
            Utah Refugee Services
            Children of military families
            Crisis Care Centers
            Children’s Justice Centers
            Police & Fire Departments
            Police Christmas Shopping Event
            Baby Your Baby Programs-  SL County, Provo & Tooele     
            Individual children in crisis
            Boys and Girl’s Group Home

Thanks goes out to all the blanketeers with the big hearts who spend their money and time to make all of this happen. 

Looking Ahead and Planning
         OSLC has been great at raising funds for PL at the Fall Boutique.  This year we are thinking of how fine it would be if we were ready to offer lovely hand crafted items for sale.  Patti Schafer who is very skilled in crafts has offered to help us create meaningful and useful items.  Patti’s craft items have been a huge success at other church boutiques. 
    Will be sending more news on that idea for fund raising soon. 

Best wishes to blanketeer Roxanne Dixon who is heading over to Colorado to live.  Thanks Roxanne for all your blanket work and being there for us to enjoy working with you.   
    Thanks everyone for all you do for PL.  
                                                       Millie and Patsy