Hi Blanketeers,
Blanket making days:
12th at OSLC - 10:00am to 2:00pm
23rd at Riverton Senior Center 9:30am - noon
All of you loyal blanketeers have spent an enormous amount
of money over the years in order to make security blankets for children. We have been thinking of ideas and ways to
ease this burden. This newsletter is
about raising money to buy materials, fabric and supplies for us to work into
“We don’t have to be wealthy to give,
We just have to be willing……”
Personal Contacts:
Patsy and I have prepared a formal letter of
introduction and a packet of information that you can use to contact anyone you
think might be in a key position to donate to PL. If you
feel you have a possible personal contact, let us know and we will get you the
formal letter and brochure to give them
Create An Event:

We only have 5 families who have attached their Smith’s loyalty rewards
card to our PL. If you are not already
attached to some other charity – lets sign you up. It costs you nothing and it does bring in a
little money every quarter. We will show
you how to do it on blanket day.
Thanks from a
parent – Jerry S
wanted to say thank you for the baby blanket we received at St. Mark’s
NICU. It is a very lovely blanket that
we will keep forever.”
Thanks for all you do. Hope your
summer is a fun one.
Millie and Patsy