Newsletter – December 2019
Hi Blanketeers,
Blanket Making Days
We realize that you have not had your Thanksgiving Dinner yet – but wanted to make sure you remembered that one week from tomorrow – December 2nd is scheduled as our blanket making day at OSLC. We have lots of blankets to get to kids in December before Christmas so we hope you will plan to join us.
We will make blankets from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm and then will have our Christmas social and luncheon. Hope everyone can join us on that day for work, food, and fun.
Riverton blanket makers, coordinated by Jackie Cohen, are taking the month of December off for the holidays and will resume their work in January.
Santa Clarita Disaster Relief
In November we have tried to help out by sending some comfort blankets to the kids who have survived the terrible violent shooting event at Saugus High School. They have also recently been threatened by destructive wild-fires in their area. P L Chapters around the country are also participating in this project and hopefully our security blankets will offer some comfort.
Mountain Vista Church
Patsy and I were guests of the Mountain Vista Church Women’s association this month. We were invited to tell them about Project Linus – its beginnings, its goals, its successes, and who we deliver blankets to. The quilt group at this church has been an active participant in PL for many years.
After our presentation they contributed a stack of blankets that they have been working on for weeks. Karen Richins and Patty Schaeffer are the coordinators of the quilt project. We appreciate their work and were happy to have a chance to thank them as they met with the women’s association at MVMC.
OSLC Boutique and Rummage Sale
We also send thanks to OSLC for the use of their space for our once a month blanket making day. It allows us a regular time to meet and the necessary space with tables large enough to work on blankets. It is also a convenient location for people to drop off blankets that they have been working on and are ready to donate.
Thanks for all your volunteer service and for helping us get ready for Christmas blanket distribution.
Millie and Patsy,