The month of November has been very busy. Patsy and I have been dropping off supplies to your homes and have been picking up finished blankets from front porches and drop sites. You all have contributed huge numbers of blankets and we were able to deliver to kids -318 so far.
Kearns Elementary School Project
Here pictured are Kyndal, Katelan and Madeleine as they are picking up the van load of blankets for the children's project they are planning for every student in their elementary school. I backed off 6 feet and they took off their masks for the picture.
Note of Appreciation
I received a lovely thank-you note and picture from Karen Pendleton that I wanted to share with you. She received a blanket for her baby and she says:
"We were in the hospital longer than expected and the warm blanket Margaret made kept our little guy warm day after day We are grateful; it's such a beautiful blanket. Thanks you for taking the time; it will be treasured as the blanket from a loving friend"
And Now About Christmas:Our usual Christmas celebration and luncheon would ordinarily have been enjoyed own December 7th the first Monday in December. But...not this year. Our Saviour's Lutheran Church where we have always met each month, is still closed. Also most of us are still staying home and not gathering in groups at the present time. For most of us it will be the quietest and smallest Christmas celebration in our histories.
I urge you to send your Christmas messages to one another. We all look forward to being able to gather again soon. In the meantime stay safe, and know that you are appreciated and loved.
December is the "month of giving" and our National Headquarters has asked chapters to communicate their need for donations. You can contact me if you wish to donate.
Hugs and good wishes, Millie and Patsy