February 2021
Dear Hard-Working Blanketeers,
Working at home has been very successful for our Chapter, thanks to all of you. You are an amazing group of volunteers and the hand work you produce is outstanding and wonderful quality.
Elaine Erikson made a large donation of yarn last month so if you need any colors let me know and I will get them to you. Remember to let me know when you need fabric to work on and I will get it to you and pick up your finished blankets from outside your house.
It seems like I need to get some information to those people who read this blog looking for a way to make blankets that we can distribute.
We are open to donations to buy supplies and fabric. If you feel you cannot make the acceptable blanket, feel free to donate the piece of fleece and our volunteers will make it.
New Readers to This Blog
l. The blankets we distribute are new, hand-made, quality made, safe and clean and child friendly patterns and fabric.
2. We accept quilts, receiving blankets and knit and crochet.
3. The knit and crochet baby blankets cannot be distributed if the pattern is too open. It must be close knit so that there are no holes big enough for little fingers to be caught in them.
We have found that older children do not prefer afghans.
4. We do not distribute fleece blankets that have knots tied around the edges (or tied double fleece blankets.)
5. We do accept fleece blankets with crochet around the edges.
6. We do accept fleece fringe blankets made by our pattern which is found right here on this blogsite. It is a pattern that must be specific
straight edges,
selvage edges removed from both sides,
3 inch long & 1& ¼” wide fringes,
tiny, tiny, tiny, holes punched for the fringe to be threaded back through
Should be 1/8” as you cut and when you open it will be ¼”.
That is the largest the holes can be.
Below is a picture of the fringe fleece we use. Also below is a picture of a blanket that will not be distributed to a child.
Not acceptable holes and fringe:

Acceptable size holes and fringe
Here is a picture of the top side of the blanket and the pattern you get if you follow the directions specifically. Thanks for reading these instructions.
We really want you to find joy and satisfaction in making security blankets for kids who are in need or who are ill and need comfort. It is a very satisfying and rewarding activity. We who distribute your blankets take extreme pleasure in handing beautifully made gifts to children.

Looking forward to meeting together again soon. Wishing you all good health.
Millie and Patsy