Hello Blanketeers,
Looks like we are still in the mode of making blankets and quilts without meeting as social groups. The results are not much different for the children we serve, as we are still distributing security blankets at about the same rate as last year. It just takes some of the social and fun part out of making blankets and quilting together. We look forward to meeting together soon – we just don’t know exactly when.
Pandemic Porch to Porch Quilting
Marilyn Cowan coordinates a group of quilters named “GONE TO PIECES QUILTERS”.
This group use to make quilts all year and then have a sale in a large barn in Holladay area. The money from the sales went to charity. Then the barn was sold, and then came the pandemic. A new format for quilting and a new outlet was needed for the quilts. Now they contribute fabulous quilts to Project Linus for distribution to children in crisis.
Here is a picture of a pieced quilt that was passed from porch to porch and grew as it went.
This is how they still make quilts together.
First, from their stashes, the quilters cut 9”x3&1/2 ” strips. The strips are sent to another person who sews them together into 8x8 squares. Then the squares are passed on to another porch for more colors and patterns. When it reaches the preferred size, another person puts on the backing. Still another person edges the quilt and finally it goes to the person with the long arm machine to finish!
We at Project Linus are now so proud to label, package and distribute these amazing quilts. Thank you to Marilyn and quilters.
In the last year, we have all learned new ways to work together, to work from home, to work on-line, and continue to accomplish our goals. It is very satisfying to continue presenting security blankets to children.
Keep on keeping on,
Millie and Patsy