Hello Blanketeers,
Welcome back to Social Blanket Making
We are still dealing with ways to operate our Linus Chapter in the time of Covid. The good news is that Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, where we have worked together for many years, is again open for our use on a once-a-month basis.
Our plan is to begin blanket days on the first Monday of each month from 10:00 am for as long as you all want to stay and make blankets. Our first meeting on December 6th will also be our chance to say hello to the Christmas Season!
There will be some new procedures to follow. We will need to wear face-masks, and, will also work only two at a table in order to respect distancing. Coffee and tea will be available in paper cups. Any snacks and treats will not be served on open plates - but will be pre-packaged for your safety.
Riverton Group
Since the Riverton Senior Center closed last year for Covid, those blanket makers (who met there under the direction of Jackie Cohen) have been meeting in the parking lot to exchange fabric and finished blankets. They have been looking for a place to work together on blankets - and have finally found one.
Mountain Vista Methodist Church quilters have invited them to share their quilting space once a month. MVMC quilters have been contributors to our SLC Chapter for many years. The next blanket making day there will be Wednesday the 15th of December.
Riverton Hospital
Our chapter was contacted by Riverton Hospital - director of the Child Life Program- Kristine Hatton. She coordinates gifts for children at every level of care; from NICU, newborn, in patient surgery and recovery, to out-patient surgery, and emergency services. We now have a new commitment which will increase our distribution but about 75 blankets a month. In one of their thank-you letters to us there was a famous quote from anthropologist, Margaret Mead -
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Thank you all for being part of our commitment to bring security and well being to children in need.
See you all soon,
Millie and Patsy