Newsletter February 2023
Hi Blanketeers,
Make a Blanket Day
February 18th has been declared “National Make a Blanket Day”. In response to this call two of our active quilt-makers have decided to invite you all to come on over and quilt with them on that day.
Jackie Cohen and Chris Nash have invited us all to this event. They are planning a fun social and work-day. You are invited to bring your sewing machine (she has lots of room) if you would like. And if not just come and help. They are planning to cut, sew, iron, and produce quilts! And, of course enjoy a pot-luck lunch. Call Chris for address 801-550-9916.
Thanks to the Natter Family
Kim Natter, family and friends, have joined our efforts to provide security blankets to kids in need. They are coming regularly to the Riverton Blanket Making group, organized by Jackie Cohen. They meet at Mtn Vista Methodist Church on the third Wednesday of every month. This picture of Kim is shown with the quilt she made.
Chapter Blanket Days
In case you are not sure of the meeting days, check this blog for the December message – the planned monthly dates are listed for the entire year. If something needs to be changed on a designated date– we will put out a message on this blog.
Smiths Inspiring Donations
Smiths will apply .5%of all your purchases to our chapter of Project Linus. You just have to choose us and it costs nothing. Just attach your rewards card number tor alternate ID to Project Linus Salt Lake County.
Here is how you do it:
Go to
Sign in or click “Create an Account”. Fill in the info
Link your Rewards Card to us by entering Project Linus number – VJ225
Fund Raising
Raising funds to cover our expenses is difficult. We use a lot of fabric, yarn, supplies and most of it is donated by the participants. It is also important that we help raise enough money for National Project Linus to operate.
We have been very fortunate to receive two donations this past month – one from Thrivent Insurance Company of $403.00 and another from Bonneville Asphalt Company of $500.00. Thanks to all of you who make this possible.
Long Arm Quilting
This is a wonderful way to finish quilts but requires a lot of thread as well as a long arm quilting machine which is extremely expensive. As a chapter we wanted to thank Cherilyn Bramall for her donated time and work. She has been putting designs on quilts that our chapter has made – using her long arm machine. Here she is with some of these
Quilt Making Kits
Jackie and Chris have been putting together quilt top kits. So, if you want to have one (or some) just let them know. They are cut, matched, quilt strips and squares that you can just sew together and create a quilt top.
The Sweet Charity Sisters quilters have put several of these together and returned them to be finished into quilts. This group of chartable workers also submits a large number of quilts to our chapter for distribution to kids.
Drop off Spots for Blanket Donations
Last week we had a special invitation from the District Manager of JoAnn Fabrics to set them up (at the 33rd South and 2300 East location) as a drop off site. We are pleased to work with JoAnn Fabrics at two locations.
Thanks for your participation and devotion to our Chapter.