May/June Newsletter 2023
Hi Blanketeers,
Well, somehow I lost the month of April! Surgery will do that to a person. But, the work of the blanketeers did not stop in my absence.
Buying Wisely
Jackie Cohen has taught me how to shop for fleece on-line and get great prices by buying bolts of fabric and having it delivered to my porch. We are always looking for ways to save
our donated funds and stretch them.
Speaking of finances – we also accept donated cotton and fleece fabric as well as yarn. Batting is our most expensive item. We are often lucky enough to receive the benefits of someone’s down-sizing or retiring from sewing or quilting. If you ever have unneeded or excess supplies, just send us a note.
Involving Youth
Last month Jackie received an invitation to attend a junior high sewing class to tell the students about PL. As part of this visit, she demonstrated quilting ideas and students participated.
From the teacher:
“Thank you so much for your time with my students and for everything you do for the community. Through sewing classes, I’ll slowly introduce the younger generation to Project Linus and quilting.”
Attendance at Mount Vista Church blanket day is growing. Our blanket makers work on fringed edge fleece while the Mt Vista quilters work on cotton. Friendships have blossomed and we are so appreciative of this shared space arrangement. Next meeting will be at 1:00 pm on June 21st – the first day of Summer!
OSLC Blanket Day
Join us on June 5th from 10:00 to 1:00, as we create fringed fleece blankets. No need to bring anything as we have the supplies for this work-day. 3900 So. 2500 E.
Sweet Charity Sisters
We are enjoying our cooperative blanket work with Claudeen Luckart’s charitable service organization. Her quilt makers have put together more than 100 quilt top kits for PL. The kits were designed, cut, created, and distributed by Chris Nash and Jackie Cohen. As they are returned, they are ready to line with
batting and sew into quilts. Very creative and innovative idea.
Make a Quilt Day
On June 10th a quilt-making event will be sponsored and held at Chris Nash’s home. On this day you will be able to participate in each step of making a quilt - from the design to cutting to sewing, and finally to putting in the batting and edging the quilt. It’s a fun social day – plan on lunch there. Call Chris if interested call 801-550-9916
Our next “push” will be getting ready for the summer kids camps sponsored by various charitable organizations. Thanks for all you do.
Blanketeers are amazing!
Millie and Karen