Blankets delivered: 6661
Dear Blanketeers,
Welcome to the new Blanketeers who have joined our chapter during the past month. We have exciting news –
Kristin Vance has agreed to be the chapter assistant coordinator. We’ve grown so much in the past year and I’m thrilled to welcome Kristin and all her wonderful ideas to Project Linus. She been willing to take on everything I’ve asked. I hope you will all get the chance to meet her soon. Her contact information is: 801-386-5917 & email:
We’re starting a BLOG for our local chapter. The address is On the blog you’ll find the current newsletter, updates on blanket donations, instructions for making fleece blankets (great for people who don’t attend Make a Blanket Days and want to make fleece blankets), and do’s and don’ts. Kristin Vance is the fabulous blanketeer, with loads of energy and enthusiasm who suggested we start this blog. We’re learning about it as we go along and I encourage you visit the blog and add your input – what would you like to see there?
“Make a Blanket Day” for the north VALLEY WILL be April 4th ... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 2500E 3900 S. From 10-2. Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!
The next South Valley “Make a Blanket Day” will be April 19 at the South Jordan Library from 10:15 – 2:00. We’re building a nice size group, the ladies are very friendly and welcoming, AND I hope you’ll join us.
This past month we delivered blankets to; the Guardian ad Litem office downtown and West Jordan, the Neighborhood House, Primary Children’s (the NICU and PICU), Shriner’s Hospital, The Road Home, St. Mark’s NICU, and Lutheran Social Services. Thank you so much for your continued support!!!!!!
We also received over 80 blankets from the 3rd graders at Channing Hall. The blankets are very colorful and well made. I met with these kids earlier and we talked about the mission of Project Linus and how they could help us give comfort and a little love to children.
Target Bank very generously donated our chapter $1500 to be used to purchase supplies to make blankets for children in low income families. Thank you very much!
I’ve received some questions lately about our chapter finances.
We do not receive any funds from the National Project Linus headquarters, so we are always in need of cash donations and do look for outside sources of funding. We have received several generous donations from individuals and corporations in the past.
I looked into last year’s finances and we spent $90 for 90 brochures. The brochures are very helpful to hand to people looking for some basic information about Project Linus.
In 2010 we spent $100 to purchase 4000 blanket labels. Project Linus blankets must have Project Linus label attached before it’s given to a child.
Our donation of 135 TAPS blankets cost $217 in shipping. We are looking into possible less expensive ways to send the TAPS blankets.
I really dislike asking for money because you are all so generous already with the materials you buy to make the blankets. We all love to make the blankets and give them to the children, But, that is not possible without monetary gifts. Our funds are very low right now and any gift you feel you could share will be deeply appreciated.
It’s time to start working on TAPS blankets. For those of you new to Project Linus, TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors) mission is to:
provide ongoing emotional help, hope, and healing to all who are grieving the death of a loved one in military service to America , regardless of relationship to the deceased, geography, or circumstance of the death. TAPS meets its mission by providing peer-based support, crisis care, casualty casework assistance, and grief and trauma resources.
The blankets we send can be fleece or quilts of medium or large sizes. We usually send red/white/blue blankets. I found out last year that TAPS prefers no knitted/crocheted blankets because they are too bulky to travel with the children. Please deliver your blankets to the drop-off location you prefer by May 10th. Last year we sent 135 blankets of the over 900 blankets needed. For more information about TAPS go to
Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County. Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, donate funds for shipping and stamps, or donate paper, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis.
Hugs to you all,