Nov. 22, 2011 Blankets delivered: 8208
Dear Blanketeers,
Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you have a wonderful day with family and friends. I am especially thankful this year for all of you and your generosity and talent. The children who receive your blankets love to hug them and are comforted by the love and security that goes with them.
Be sure and check out our blog - On the blog you’ll find the current newsletter, updates on blanket donations, instructions for making fleece blankets (great for people who can’t attend Make a Blanket Days and want to make fleece blankets), and do’s and don’ts.
“Make a Blanket Day” for the north VALLEY WILL be Dec. 5 ... come join us at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church 3900 S. 2500 E. From 10-2. Bring your lunch – we have a wonderful time!!
The next South Valley “Make a Blanket Day” will be Dec 20… at the South Jordan Library from 10:15 – 2:00. We’re building a nice size group, the ladies are very friendly and welcoming, AND we hope you’ll join us.
Thrivent Financial Service for Lutherans donated $500 to our chapter. We bought enough fabric and yarn for 63 medium or large sized blankets. Thank you, Thrivent for your much needed donation and to Bernie Sprecher for doing the leg work.
Thanks so much for everyone who made a special effort to finish and deliver blankets for Shop With a Cop. We will deliver 160 medium blankets to the South Jordan Police Dept. Nov. 28th. We are the only source for blankets for these children – YOU DID GOOD!!!!!!
Please read this thank you note I received earlier this month
Dear Kathy,
I am in receipt of the lovely blankets you made for the patients in our hospital. There was a great deal of work that went into them and they are exquisite. I realize the time, effort and expense involved in the making of these items and I send you thanks from the families that gratefully accept them.
Thanks to people like you, we can ease the pain and suffering of loss that life brings. Many of the items donated become family heirlooms that are cherished above all else.
For those who receive the blankets, I send their gratitude and tears that they were thought of that day. I want you to know that your efforts are so very appreciated.
With great sincerity
Chaplain LeNae Peavery-Onstad
Just a note – we talk a lot about making fleece blankets but we dearly love crocheted and knitted blankets as well as quilts. So where ever your talents lie we would love to receive your gifts of love.
Thank you to everyone who contributes to Project Linus in Salt Lake County. Whether you make blankets, sew labels on, package blankets, donate funds for shipping and stamps, or donate paper, yarn or fabric, each one of you helps to grow our chapter so we may give a little bit of love and security to a child in crisis.
Hugs to you all,
Kathy & Kristin