Wednesday, March 18, 2015

April 2015 newsletter

Dear Blanketeers,

We are off to a great start! Our first quarter of 2015 was fantastic!  I hope you are all well and looking forward to spring!

Firefighters and Police Officers

       A few years ago Linus blankets were kept in police cars for officers to use when they encountered a child in a crisis situation that needed warmth and comfort.  This month we have made new contacts with Lieutenant Manfred Lassig (of the Unified Police of Greater Salt Lake), and with Mike Watson, (Assistant Chief with Unified Fire Authority.)
     As of this month, they will be carrying our blankets to offer comfort and security for children in crisis that they encounter in their work.  Both organizations were very pleased to pick up this program. 

     The Project Linus goal has always been to search out and give our handmade blankets wherever there is a child who needs a warm hug.    

Blanketeer Spotlight - Winnie Hollenbeck

Winnie has been a blanketeer with Project Linus for about two years.  She has been crocheting for years, but now her specialty is crocheting beautiful, soft, cuddle tiny blankets for the NICUs.  She has set a goal for herself, to consistently make a dozen of these precious little works of art every month to contribute to our Chapter.  Yes, she does also make larger ones, but the tiny ones are her favorites. 

Winnie has a gentle touch and her stitching is soft, even, and beautiful.  She has a great eye for colors and patterns that are perfect for the little ones.  She attends our blanket-making day every month and often teaches new comers how to make the no-sew fringed blankets.

She and her special guy, Richard Brown, have both made it a point to contribute to our National Linus cash account and have arranged for Richard’s Kiwanis Club to do the same.   Winnie & Richard are two very generous people that we appreciate very much.  
We are so happy to have Winnie in our Chapter!

Getting teens involved in Project Linus

Ricky Wooden, age 13 (can you tell he loves soccer?)
I got involved in making two blankets when I was working on my citizenship in the community merit badge and the number 7 requirement was to find out more about a charitable organization outside of scouting and to volunteer for this organization.  At this time my mom was involved in a Relief Society meeting where the sisters were making blankets for Project Linus.  She asked if I would be interested in participating and then we talked to Linda Warner who was heading this meeting and she gave the the opportunity to help out.  I helped by making two blankets and cleaning up after the sisters' meeting.  I also helped gather all the blankets and delivered them with my Dad to Kristin.  It was a fun project and I'm glad to make a blanket to share with someone who has a greater need for the blanket than me.

Ricky Wooden, age 13
Dimple Dell Ward, Sandy, Utah

We have some great groups scheduling projects and always appreciate our north valley group which meets the first Monday of each month from 10am to 2pm at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Holladay.  We hope to see you all soon!  Our next north valley blanket day is coming up soon...on Monday, April 6th!

Thank you for all you do!

Millie & Kristin

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