Newsletter June 2018

Blanket making days in June:
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church - June 4th– 10 to 2:00
Riverton Senior Center – June 22nd9:30 to noon
Army National Guard
Sometimes we get to hear from a child or a mom. Here is a letter from a soldier’s wife. You may not know that we regularly give blankets to the children of deployed soldiers.
“My six kids just each received a blanket from this group and they’re beautiful blankets and my kids love them!! Thank you so much for your efforts. My husband (their father) is about to deploy for a year and these blankets will provide them such comfort while he’s gone. We really appreciate you.” Jessie Ellertson
Amazing Volunteers - Kim and Steve Weis
A few months ago Kim contacted me wanting to hook up with quilters and volunteer her services. She and her husband Steve had purchased a computerized long-arm quilting machine to start a new business. That business is called “One Armed Quilter” a division of Kimmie Anne Fabrics. Steve does not have the use of one of his arms – so that explains the company name – I didn’t misspell it
Since that original contact Kim has arranged with three quilting groups that contribute to Project Linus and has done a number of quilts, free of charge for them. Of course they were contributed to Project Linus to distribute. What a wonderful gift!
Get well wishes to our long time regular blanketeer, Nan DeBernardi. She took a bad fall and broke her leg. Right now she is recovering, but will not be able to join us for a while. We wish her the best and quickest recovery.
Project Linus Chapter – Iron County
Dean and I were able to deliver 6 tubs of the donated quilt-kits to Cedar City Chapter Coordinator Michelle, last month. This week Karen, the coordinator in Davis County will be picking up several tubs of quilt-kits. She tells me that their chapter does mostly quilts for distribution. I am happy that we have been able to share with coordinators up and down the state.
JoAnn Fabrics Stores
As of next month our drop off sites will be much more conveniently located throughout the valley. JoAnn Stores has agreed to be a drop site for our blankets. (All arranged by P.L Headquarters). Patsy will be placing the bins in three locations next month.
Sewing is good! Quilting is good! Volunteering is good! It all brings smiles.
Keep up the good work it is very valuable.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading the Newsletter even though I'm miles from SLC. You make my day! Thank you and God bless you.
Karen from Sarasota, Florida