Tuesday, December 21, 2021

December 2021 Newsletter

 Hello Blanketeers

     As we approach Christmas we want to be sure to let everyone know that we send our best wishes to you for a happy holiday season  We thank you sincerely for the work you have continued to do for the children served by Project Linus. 

    This past month we have been excited to deliver a record number of blankets to children.  The Refugee Program for Utah - specifically for Afghan refugees has accepted 94 blankets - many of them large.  Also we donated 60 blankets this month to the SLC Police - Pay it forward project,  There was a lovely article in the Salt Lake Tribute and a nice spot on the TV news showing the officers shopping with the children at Walmart.  We are very pleased to be a part of this connection which bridges the gap between kids and law enforcement officers.

    Speaking of Walmart - the store on Parley's way has approved a $250.00 grant for our Chapter!  

    And also about numbers, the books are now closed for the year 2021 and our total number of blankets delivered this year was 2904.   Patsy and I did not do this.  All of you volunteers did this amazing work this year.  Congratulations for all your successes.   It is heart-warming to realize how many kids in Salt Lake County are carrying around our lovingly made blankets.  There is nothing like a "security blanket!"

     Our plans for this next year will include once a month in person blanket making day at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church.  It will usually be the first Monday of every month from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.  At this time those of you who have been making blankets will be able to drop them off there during that time even if you cannot stay to make blankets.  

     Also Riverton Group will be meeting the third Wednesday of each month at Mount Vista Methodist Church in Riverton from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.  We wish to thank the quilters at MVM Church for offering to share their space with our blanketers on those days,  Mtn Vista has been contributing blankets to our chapter for more than 10 years.  They have been an important part of our chapter for all this time.

     Looking forward to a wonderful 2022.   Hugs,  Millie and Patsy





Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Newsletter November 2021

 Hello Blanketeers,

                                      Welcome back to Social Blanket Making

     We are still dealing with ways to operate our Linus Chapter in the time of Covid.  The good news is that Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, where we have worked together for many years, is again open for our use on a once-a-month basis. 

   Our plan is to begin blanket days on the first Monday of each month from 10:00 am for as long as you all want to stay and make blankets.  Our first meeting on December 6th will also be our chance to say hello to the Christmas Season!

     There will be some new procedures to follow.   We will need to wear face-masks, and, will also work only two at a table in order to respect distancing.  Coffee and tea will be available in paper cups.  Any snacks and treats will not be served on open plates - but will be pre-packaged for your safety. 

                                        Riverton Group

     Since the Riverton Senior Center closed last year for Covid, those blanket makers (who met there under the direction of Jackie Cohen) have been meeting in the parking lot to exchange fabric and finished blankets.  They have been looking for a place to work together on blankets - and have finally found one.  

    Mountain Vista Methodist Church quilters have invited them to share their quilting space once a month.  MVMC quilters have been contributors to our SLC Chapter for many years.  The next blanket making day there will be Wednesday the 15th of December.

                                    Riverton Hospital

     Our chapter was contacted by Riverton Hospital - director of the Child Life Program- Kristine Hatton.  She coordinates gifts for children at every level of care; from NICU, newborn, in patient surgery and recovery, to out-patient surgery, and emergency services.  We now have a new commitment which will increase our distribution but about 75 blankets a month.  In one of their thank-you letters to us there was a famous quote from anthropologist, Margaret Mead -

   "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."  

     Thank you all for being part of our commitment to bring security and well being to children in need.

See you all soon,

Millie and Patsy




Monday, August 16, 2021



Hi Blanketeers,


     What a pleasure it was to meet together again with blanketeers who are fully vaccinated, wearing face covers, and feeling safe.  We met at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church and spent 3 hours making fringe fleece.  Also, people who have been making blankets all month were able to drop by and deliver the projects they have been working on at home all month.  


     I am again scheduling a blanket making day at OSLC on September 13th, the second Monday of the month – avoiding labor-day as we assume you will all be busy then.  You are invited if you are vaccinated.  Please join us.  


     Jackie Cohen is also planning to have a blanket day for South Valley blanketeers on Friday the 27th of July.  


                              TAPS and Snowball Express

      You may remember a few years ago that we participated in a program for children of active military who have lost a loved one in the line of duty.  As it turned out the expense of shipping blankets to Florida was too much for our budget.  


     Since that time The Gary Sinise Foundation has extended that project to be The Snowball Express. The problem of shipping was still an issue even though we wanted to participate with the Florida chapter on gathering blankets for kids.  


     As it turns out, our active blanketeer, Jackie Cohen was flying to Florida this month and volunteered to box up 30 blankets and take them with her on the flight.!   Thanks so much Jackie for organizing our participation in this wonderful project for kids.  


                                    KIDS CAMP IN TOOELE

     This is the third year in a row that we have provide large fleece blankets to the kid’s camp in Tooele.  There is no Linus chapter there and we have enough to share again.  I cannot post pictures of this event as the children’s privacy is protected.  Just know that we provided 80 blankets and the kids event was very successful.                


                                THANK YOU NOTES FROM PARENTS    

   I so much wish I could share with all of you the touching thank-you messages that I receive from parents of children who receive our blankets.  Not room here to post them, and some are quite personal.  The message always includes a note that their babies and their children continue to carry and sleep with the security blankets long after the gift is received.  


                                           SOLITARY SEWING

     During the past two months blanketeers working alone have produced a record number of blankets for us to distribute.  For the total of July and August we have distributed 470 blankets to kids in need.  Remember we can only distribute what you have contributed, so thanks to all of you who consistently support our effort of blanket hugs for children.


                                                Thank You

     Just wanted to sign off by saying thank you to Patsy Bueno, who you all know is our assistant SLC coordinator of our Linus chapter.  She continues to do all the same tasks that I do for our chapter.  


     Sending Thanks and Love to all of you,




Thursday, June 10, 2021

Project Linus News - June 2021

 Hello Blanketeers,

       Looks like we are still in the mode of making blankets and quilts without meeting as social groups.  The results are not much different for the children we serve, as we are still distributing security blankets at about the same rate as last year.  It just takes some of the social and fun part out of making blankets and quilting together.  We look forward to meeting together soon – we just don’t know exactly when.


                               Pandemic Porch to Porch Quilting

    Marilyn Cowan coordinates a group of quilters named “GONE TO PIECES QUILTERS”. 

     This group use to make quilts all year and then have a sale in a large barn in Holladay area.  The money from the sales went to charity.  Then the barn was sold, and then came the pandemic.  A new format for quilting and a new outlet was needed for the quilts.  Now they contribute fabulous quilts to Project Linus for distribution to children in crisis. 


Here is a picture of a pieced quilt that was passed from porch to porch and grew as it went. 

                   This is how they still make quilts together.  

First, from their stashes, the quilters cut 9”x3&1/2 ” strips.  The strips are sent to another person who sews them together into 8x8 squares.  Then the squares are passed on to another porch for more colors and patterns.  When it reaches the preferred size, another person puts on the backing.  Still another person edges the quilt and finally it goes to the person with the long arm machine to finish!

    We at Project Linus are now so proud to label, package and distribute these amazing quilts.  Thank you to Marilyn and quilters. 


    In the last year, we have all learned new ways to work together, to work from home, to work on-line, and continue to accomplish our goals.  It is very satisfying to continue presenting security blankets to children. 


Keep on keeping on,

Millie and Patsy   

Thursday, May 13, 2021

May Newsletter 2021

 Dear Blanketeers,


Happy Spring, Happy Mother’s Day, and Happy Sewing,


We would like very much to tell you that we have been able to arrange a place to meet at least once a month.  But, that has not been possible at this point.  We think it will be soon.  We will let you know by newsletter as soon as we can arrange it.  We are hoping for June.  


At this point OSLC is still closed.  The Riverton Senior Center is open, on a limited basis, and they have not agreed for our blanket makers to use their space at this time. 


However – none of that seems to have affected the number of blankets and quilts that you have been making and donating.  Well over 200 each of the months have been submitted.  Every one of them is now in the hands of children in Salt Lake County.


                                         Quilts for Kids

“Quilts for Kids” is managed by Bernadette Turner.  She does not use flannel in her blankets as they are donated for use in the hospitals.  Flannel does not survive the industrial washing-  machines in the facilities.  Since our blankets are given as gifts to children who take them home, we do use flannel.  Bernadette has kindly teamed up with our organization and has sent flannel quilts to us for distribution and, also has donated flannel for our blanketeers to use.  Thanks to Jackie Cohen for finding this contact and helping our two organizations to team up for kids.  


                    “Thank You” Notes Received   

     Sometimes when we have enough blankets for our promised destination sites we are able to share with those close by but not in SLC.  This time we sent 20 blankets to Children’s Justice Center in Heber City.  This is the note I received.


  “Today Rosie Parker delivered three bags of beautiful blankets!  Thank you so much!  We are grateful for these and know that the children really enjoy receiving them at the conclusion of their interviews.  We appreciate your generosity.  Kenna Jones, Director”


       Thanks to all of you who create, sew, crochet, and knit the blankets.  Also, thanks to those of you who recut those unacceptable blankets and fix them.  Thanks to you all who sew labels, package blankets, and deliver them to sites all over the valley.  We have a wonderful team.


See you soon,

Millie and Patsy





Tuesday, March 30, 2021

 March 2021 Newsletter

Hello Blanketeers, 

                        Thanks to My Sister’s Quilts in Riverton

We would like to give a big thank you to owners of “My Sister’s Quilts” who have been collecting blankets for us for about two years now.  The store on Pasture Road closed at the end of February and they moved to a new location with a new name.  


“Forget-Me-Not Quilt Shoppe”- is the new name. New location will be 12652 South 2700 West Ste B, Riverton.  The hours are: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm – Monday through Saturday. The new shop will open Thursday and will continue to collect blankets for us. We wish them success and thank them for their help. 


                                               Thank You PL - From Refugee Storehouse 

We continue to donate security blankets to the Refugee Storehouse through Granite School District.  They tell me that the blankets are distributed on the basis of need and they are usually gone in just a few days. 



Riverton Senior Center

Thanks to Jackie Cohen and the Riverton ladies for their serious work.  Jackie Cohen has been doing a “round up” of the blankets created and donated by members of the group.  You can meet them on the 3rd Friday of each month in the parking lot at the center at 10:30 am. We have recent news that the center has recently opened – but we have not yet heard whether we can resume blanket making there.  Hope so and will keep you posted.  


Hopefully the Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church blanket day will resume in the near future.  That meeting was always scheduled on the first Monday of each month.  As soon as the church opens up and you are all vaccinated or feel safe to meet together we will be seeing each other again as a working together group. 


                        Blanket Making Standards

 If you are new to Project Linus and wish to participate with groups, you are welcome.  If you are thinking of making blankets on your own to submit – please read about our requirements.  We do not distribute fleece blankets with knots tied round the edges.  We do not distribute any blankets that are not gift quality. Our blanket hugs go to children deserving of a blanket of keep sake quality.   


If you are not sure what we require of knit, crochet, fleece, or quilts - please call Millie 801-656-9229 or Patsy 435-630-4110, before you begin your project.    


                        Big Thanks to Our Volunteers (Blanketeers)                            

Many thanks to all of you volunteers for your continued work throughout the Pandemic.  For now – our numbers look amazing, and we are still serving an average of 230 children a month. Thanks to all of you who work so hard at creating beautiful security blankets as gifts for children in crisis.  


See you all soon,

Millie and Patsy

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

A Fun National PL project

 Dear Blanketers,

       Our Headquarters Office has a project that I thought some of you might want to participate in.

             Called Knit and Crochet Along

                REGISTRATION OPENS 

          SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27, 202

                 REGISTRATION LINK:

      www.projectlinus.org    Beginning Feb 27th

Downloadable pattern instructions will be divided into

8 sections to create either a knit or crochet child-sized afghan.

Sections will be revealed each week for 8 weeks

Beginning Saturday March 13, 2021


        $15.00 donation to Project Linus

for either the crocheted or knitted pattern.



          Happy Stitching,     Millie




Friday, February 12, 2021


February 2021  

Dear Hard-Working Blanketeers,


     Working at home has been very successful for our Chapter, thanks to all of you.  You are an amazing group of volunteers and the hand work you produce is outstanding and wonderful quality.


          Elaine Erikson made a large donation of yarn last month so if you need any colors let me know and I will get them to you.  Remember to let me know when you need fabric to work on and I will get it to you and pick up your finished blankets from outside your house.  

It seems like I need to get some information to those people who read this blog looking for a way to make blankets that we can distribute.  


         We are open to donations to buy supplies and fabric.  If you feel you cannot make the acceptable blanket, feel free to donate the piece of fleece and our volunteers will make it.  


                                                New Readers to This Blog


     l. The blankets we distribute are new, hand-made, quality made, safe and clean and child friendly patterns and fabric. 

     2. We accept quilts, receiving blankets and knit and crochet.

     3. The knit and crochet baby blankets cannot be distributed if the pattern is too open.  It must be close knit so that there are no holes big enough for little fingers to be caught in them.  

We have found that older children do not prefer afghans.  

     4. We do not distribute fleece blankets that have knots tied around the edges (or tied double fleece blankets.) 

     5. We do accept fleece blankets with crochet around the edges.

     6. We do accept fleece fringe blankets made by our pattern which is found right here on this blogsite.  It is a pattern that must be specific

            straight edges, 

            selvage edges removed from both sides, 

            3 inch long & 1& ¼” wide fringes, 

            tiny, tiny, tiny, holes punched for the fringe to be threaded back through

             Should be 1/8” as you cut and when you open it will be ¼”.  

            That is the largest the holes can be.  

            Below is a picture of the fringe fleece we use.  Also below is a picture of a blanket that     will not be distributed to a child.  


Not acceptable holes and fringe:


Acceptable size holes and fringe



Here is a picture of the top side of the blanket and the pattern you get if you follow the directions specifically.  Thanks for reading these instructions.




     We really want you to find joy and satisfaction in making security blankets for kids who are in need or who are ill and need comfort.  It is a very satisfying and rewarding activity.  We who distribute your blankets take extreme pleasure in handing beautifully made gifts to children.   

Looking forward to meeting together again soon.  Wishing you all good health.



Millie and Patsy