Dear Blanketeers,
Happy Spring, Happy Mother’s Day, and Happy Sewing,
We would like very much to tell you that we have been able to arrange a place to meet at least once a month. But, that has not been possible at this point. We think it will be soon. We will let you know by newsletter as soon as we can arrange it. We are hoping for June.
At this point OSLC is still closed. The Riverton Senior Center is open, on a limited basis, and they have not agreed for our blanket makers to use their space at this time.
However – none of that seems to have affected the number of blankets and quilts that you have been making and donating. Well over 200 each of the months have been submitted. Every one of them is now in the hands of children in Salt Lake County.
Quilts for Kids
“Quilts for Kids” is managed by Bernadette Turner. She does not use flannel in her blankets as they are donated for use in the hospitals. Flannel does not survive the industrial washing- machines in the facilities. Since our blankets are given as gifts to children who take them home, we do use flannel. Bernadette has kindly teamed up with our organization and has sent flannel quilts to us for distribution and, also has donated flannel for our blanketeers to use. Thanks to Jackie Cohen for finding this contact and helping our two organizations to team up for kids.
“Thank You” Notes Received
Sometimes when we have enough blankets for our promised destination sites we are able to share with those close by but not in SLC. This time we sent 20 blankets to Children’s Justice Center in Heber City. This is the note I received.
“Today Rosie Parker delivered three bags of beautiful blankets! Thank you so much! We are grateful for these and know that the children really enjoy receiving them at the conclusion of their interviews. We appreciate your generosity. Kenna Jones, Director”
Thanks to all of you who create, sew, crochet, and knit the blankets. Also, thanks to those of you who recut those unacceptable blankets and fix them. Thanks to you all who sew labels, package blankets, and deliver them to sites all over the valley. We have a wonderful team.
See you soon,
Millie and Patsy
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