Sunday, May 12, 2024

May Newsletter 2024

Happy May to all of you!

It's been a busy month for our chapter!  We have received 200 blankets and distributed 177 all thanks to our dedicated volunteers.  

In this month's newsletter, we'll share with you a blanket's journey after it's received, a special thank you note from a grandma, a story about "Sew Saturday" and information about Smith's Inspiring Donations.   

Click "read more" below to see the entire newsletter.

Thank you for visiting our blog and viewing our newsletter!

Warm regards,
Karen & Millie

A Blanket's Journey

From Donation to Distribution

In our last newsletter, we shared the names of the organizations who receive our blankets.  Have you ever wondered what happens in between receiving a finished blanket and providing the blanket to these organizations to distribute?  Is there a magic blanket fairy?!  Even if you have never wondered, this month, we'd like to share with you a blanket's journey, from donation to distribution.

When we receive a blanket, it marks the beginning of a heartfelt journey towards spreading warmth and comfort.  The journey starts with a review of the blanket's acceptability for distribution.  We conduct a thorough inspection of the blanket, ensuring that there are no loose ends, pins, the cuts are straight and holes are not cut too big on fringed blankets, etc.  The blankets that don't meet our standards, find other homes or are re-cut to be made into a acceptable blanket.  We've heard comments that we "are too picky" and maybe we are however, we strive to provide exceptional quality blankets to the children we serve.  Many of our recipients have complimented our blanketeers work and know that when they receive blankets from us, they are receiving quality blankets made with love.

After inspection, blankets are distributed amongst our blanketeers who sew our distinctive Project Linus label on the corners of each blanket.  This label adds a personal touch that signifies the love and dedication woven into each blanket.  Each blanket is carefully folded, some are tied with yarn resembling a wrapped present ready to be unwrapped by their recipient.

But we don't stop there.  Each packaged blanket is accompanied by a card featuring a short note and name of the blanketeer who crafted it.  This small gesture adds a meaningful connection, reminding the recipient that their blanket is made with love and compassion.

Finally, the packaged blankets find their place in delivery bags, neatly shelved and ready for distribution.  Each month, volunteers deliver the packaged blankets to the organizations we serve.  Denna is one of our special volunteers who makes several deliveries every month.  We couldn't do it all without her.  Thank you Denna!

The last stop of a blankets journey, is to a special child in need of a blanket hug!

A Special Thank You from a Grandma

"We just brought Charlotte (baby B) home today to join Olivia (baby A).  After a ten day separation they snuggled together and immediately went to sleep.  Wrapped together and breathing into each other.

Thank you so much for blessing them this way.  We have them wrapped up in them now.  God bless you all who are involved in this special ministry.  This is there grandma writing on behalf of the exhausted parents."

"Sew Saturday" Hosted by Chris Nash

(Submitted by Jackie Cohen)

On Saturday, April 13th, a sewing day was held at the home of Chris Nash.  Eight of us got together and did some creative sewing.  The ladies were free to "shop" in the massive "store" of fabric that has been donated to the Salt Lake County Project Linus group.  

In addition to getting lots of sewing done, a quantity of fabric was cut for the ladies to take home to finish.  Many of us, learned how to cut fabric for the star blanket created by Wendy and Kimberly.  Jackie showed how to sew and cut strips to make "fabric rolls" that are used to enlarge small blankets.  Chris did a mini-demonstration on how she does the finish work on the blankets and the usage of stencils.

It is such fun to spend time together being creative and sharing the tricks to make our passion for making blankets less cumbersome.  We hope to continue with "Sew Saturday" a few times each year.  A big thank you to Chris for hosting the event!

Smith's Inspiring Donations Program

Are you, your family members or friends Smith's shoppers?  Did you know Smith's Inspiring Donations will donate 0.5% of all eligible spending to the organizations that you have linked to your Rewards card?  It's that easy, link your card to Project Linus Salt Lake County (VJ255), shop and Smith's will donate to our chapter!

Click here for instructions on how to link you rewards card to our project.  We are listed as Project Linus Salt Lake County, organization number VJ255.

Last quarter we received just under $30 from Smith's.  Insert sad face emoji here!  We know we can do better.  Our goal is to increase the donation amount to at least $100 per quarter this year.  We need your help to spread the word.  Please help us reach or exceed this goal.  A little bit goes a long way!

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