Monday, December 28, 2015

January 2016 Newsletter

Blanketeer’s Christmas Party

   What a great turn out for the "kick off" into the holiday season!  On December 7th we worked, had a wonderful luncheon and enjoyed sharing stories of accomplishments and successes of 2015.  These happy faces are feeling great and looking forward to 2016.  The amazing service that our blanketeers give to children is truly a huge benefit to our community.
We also want to thank Our Saviour's Lutheran Church for providing us a space to gather each month.  We have a standing place on their calendar and it's so wonderful!

A big thank you from Kristin & Millie for all that you do! We have had an amazing year and the regular volunteers keep our chapter moving forward.  We so appreciate you all!


North Valley blanket day (first Monday each month)

Monday, January 4th 10:00am to 2:00pm
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, 2500 E 3900 S, Holladay
We have a lot of fun and would love to have you join us for some project time and fellowship.  For more information or questions, please contact Millie

 South Valley blanket day (4th Friday of each month)

Please join the group at the Riverton Senior Center on Friday, January 22nd from 9:30am to noon
for more information, contact our chairperson Lynn Milsap

Changes in 2016

With the new year comes some change to our chapter.  Millie joined me in the co-coordinator role to help with the housekeeping
and other items for our chapter.  The time has now come for me to step away from coordinating and go back to blanketeer status.  It's been a tough decision, but there are only so many hours in the day.  Millie has been so amazing and taking on most all of the tasks already, so it will be a slight shift in things.  I also appreciate Dean for all of his support on the project, helping with many items that keep our chapter running.  My new job includes travel to the main office site in Playa Vista, California (near L.A.)  and balancing work, home and teenagers is a challenge!  All of you that I've met as part of this chapter are amazing!  I know you all love the chapter and will keep doing the great work you do!  I can't thank you all enough for touching my life.  I hope I can grow up to be just like you all; giving, volunteering, cultivating life long friendships.  I thank each and every one of you for all that you've done and I know it has a tremendous impact on children in our community.  Keep up the beautiful work!  I hope to join you on occasion going forward.  Thank you for being you!  - with a blanket hug, Kristin

Annual Christmas Event – “Shop-With-A-Cop”

    This is another wonderful event for children who have suffered.  We are so proud to be a participant with Darren Orr, who produces the Shop-With-a-Cop event, every Christmas season.  He writes:
          “ We had 105 children…the most we have ever had. 
             The blankets were a huge hit.  We love that this
             has become a part of our event.  The comfort that
             a child receives from a blanket is truly unique. 
             I thank you very much for your continued support.”   
                                                   Darren  Orr

A successful 2015!

Some numbers to share with you all about our distribution.  2015 was a great year for donations and distributions!  This year we delivered 2247 blankets to the children of Salt Lake County and Tooele.  What a great year!  This brings the grand total of blankets delivered, since our chapter started, to a total of 16019!!!  Every blanket you make, is a gift to a child in crisis.  Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication!
We hope you all enjoyed the holidays and look forward to health and happiness for 2016! 
Millie & Kristin

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