Thursday, August 8, 2024

August Newsletter 2024

August Newsletter 2024

Here we are already in the dog days of's hot hot hot! 

This month we have received approximately 200 blankets and have donated approximately 200 blankets to local children in need.  We delivered blankets to the Salt Lake City Police Department to be distributed to children at their "Pay It Forward" event on August 17th.  We will be making another donation to them for their upcoming December event.

Thank you to all of our dedicated Blanketeers and to Sweet Charity Sisters for your generous donations this month.  We couldn't do what we do without all of your support.

A quick reminder to our dedicated quilters out there, please check and double check your quilts for stray pins.  Recently, HQ Project Linus received a complaint from a distraught mother whose child was stuck with a pin.  We check the blankets when labeling and packaging them, but ask that you check them prior to donation as well.

In this month's newsletter, read about a special journey our blankets took in June, get an update on our fundraising, read a special thank you, and view pictures of blankets donated to our cause.

Warm regards,
Karen & Millie



Project Linus 2024 Quilt Challenge - Fundraiser

 Project Linus 2024 Quilt Challenge

Registration for this year's quilt challenge opens Thursday, August 8, so don't wait!  If you love to quilt or want to learn, there are step-by-step videos that will walk you through the process start to finish!  Not only will you create a lovely quilt to treasure, you will be supporting the Salt Lake County chapter of Project Linus.  Please make sure you identify our chapter when you register.

Click here for the registration link -