Wednesday, July 3, 2024

July Newsletter 2024


Although we are in the heat of the summer, we are still providing warm blanket hugs to local children in need.  This month we received almost 200 blankets and distributed 200 to the many organizations we serve.

In this month's newsletter we have some very exciting news about Project Linus reaching a major milestone, a highlight of a kid's camp who received our blankets and pictures from June's blanket day and potluck at Mountain Vista Methodist Church.


Warm Regards,
Karen & Millie


Project Linus has donated 10 MILLION blankets since its inception in 1995!  What a major milestone to achieve!  So many of you have contributed to this legacy and should be proud of your contributions.  

The Salt Lake County Chapter has distributed over 37,000 of the 10 million since it was established in January 2007 by Kathy Morrow, Carol Holmes, Ellen Silverblatt, Shirley Geary and Roma Knuth.

So many children's lives have been touched through our Blanketeer's dedication and our supporters generosity.  We appreciate each and every one of you and the support we receive from Our Saviour Lutheran Church and Mountain Vista Methodist Church.

Project Linus is celebrating this milestone with commemorative t-shirts you can purchase from the Project Linus "store".  Click here to shop today!  


We are excited to provide blankets for all the foster children attending Royal Family Kids Camp this summer!  This is a 5-day camp for foster children age 7 - 11 years old where each child experiences a life changing camp and mentoring. 

Each child at camp will choose a special blanket lovingly made by our Blanketeers to have with them at camp and take with them when they leave.

We are honored that Camp Director Kendra Keddington reached out to us for blankets again this year and proud to assist with their mission.  Click here for more information about Royal Family Kinds Camp and Mentoring.

Blanket Day and Potluck at 

Mountain Vista Methodist Church

On Wednesday, June 19, we had a special blanket making day and potluck.  It was exciting to get both groups together to make blankets, catch up and eat delicious food.  Thanks to Pastor Phil, the support of Mountain Vista Methodist Church and all of you made this day a success and joined in the fun and fellowship!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your milestone number of blankets. You all deserve a special thank you. God bless you!
